Chapter 77: Girl From Equestria

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A random restaurant in Canterlot, later in the night

As midnight quietly approached, Sun and Death Drive sat together in one of Canterlot's classy glorified bars, having chosen to spend just a little more time alone with each other. That was to say, the world around them basically faded away as they talked over drinks. A lot of drinks. Death Drive found herself caving in to Sun's subtle, slightly questionable suggestions for her to drink with her. And now, here they sat - Death Drive, two drinks in, and Sun, twelve drinks in.

"Annnnd, that's why I think that I might get killed in an Iron Apega. It's meant to trick drunks like me into coming into towards it, thinkin' it's their wife... Uh, I don't think one could ever look like you, though..." Sun slurred, clearly drunk, but only enough for Death Drive to wonder if she was joking, which she strangely wasn't.

"Your wife?" Death Drive replied. "In your dreams, maybe. You're such a nerd, no wonder Twilight made you her student."

"Th-that never happened! Will you just... get over that?!" Sun hissed, oblivious to Death Drive's obviously playful attitude.

"Just teasing." she giggled.

Sun looked at her drink, descending into deep thought about something as she stared into it. Death Drive actually knew what she was thinking about... or, at least, she had an idea.

"Me kissing you on the cheek... Was that too far?" she asked.

"N-no, no... I was just... super caught off-guard... I... I wouldn't mind it i-if you... did it... again..."

Death Drive paused, and raised an eyebrow. "What was that last part?"

Sun looked back up at her, and tried her best to confidently repeat herself. "I-I'm just sayin'... if you... or we... did it again, righ' now, that would be... I dunno, cool? Y'know, I probably won't remember it by morning if we kissed each other..."

It was clear that Sun began to lose confidence in her idea the more she said, and Death Drive wasn't so sure of it, either. Them, kissing each other, this soon into their relationship? 

And yet, here she was, considering it. Maybe it was the way Sun seemed like she wanted to try it, or maybe it was just the dozen drinks she had drank, and the two Death Drive drank that felt like a dozen. It was probably the latter, but the former was a more interesting answer to her. It was like they were two kids who had crushes on each other, and wanted to be in a relationship despite the fact that they were too young to understand all the complexities of one. They just liked each other, and that was all they really cared to understand.

And so, Death Drive replied, simply, "Yeah. I don't think we'll remember this by morning."

Sun giggled softly in response. She began to lean over, hoping for Death Drive to do the same so that they could kiss. There was a bit of nervousness in both of them. The pale unicorn took a deep breath, and leaned in. She closed her eyes as she did, in hopes to make this slightly more bearable. 

The next morning

Sun slowly opened her eyes, and she found herself in a room that she'd never seen before. It seemed to be in a house in Canterlot, judging from the excessive decor of the bed she found herself in. When she looked beyond it, the room was just as, if not more, luxurious than it. It didn't quite strike her as a hotel room... Where was she? And where was Death Drive? How did she get here?

["K-ENT." from No More Heroes]

She stumbled out of bed and to the door. She opened it, and was met with--

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