Chapter 75: Twilight Eclipse

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It was the next day, and Sun was still as giddy as a school filly, knowing that Death Drive loved her. The pale unicorn showed it in small ways, but it was due to the fact that she couldn't quite figure out how to convey it, and also because Sun treated every little thing said to her like it was a declaration of eternal love. She was like an excited puppy. Or, in more poetic words, it was like she was struck by Cupid's arrow, filled with the most wholesome kind of love there could be.

Cozy saw the two as they attempted to speak to each other about things other than their love. However, their attempts were ultimately fruitless, because Sun would always steer the conversation back to it. She even convinced Death Drive to go on a date with her. The suggestion was completely spontaneous, and something with no forethought to it, but Death Drive actually quite liked the idea. The beautiful, cloudless day outside seemed like it was begging for them to take a stroll together, anyways.

So, the two swiftly left Cozy with Obassi, and went to Canterlot. As usual, the filly didn't mind, and she was a bit curious about the smirk on her zebra caretaker's face as the two walked aimlessly around Ponyville. It made him look like he was proud of something that Cozy knew not the details of. It begged her to ask him. Being a child, she did without a second thought.

"You sure look happy, mister Obassi." she said. "Did you... find a new job?"

Almost instantly, Obassi launched into a response sounding as though he knew exactly what he wanted to say. "Oh, no. I found a job a while ago. You know, you've been a big help to me, telling me everything about Sun's misadventures. And you wanna know what that's gotten me?"

Cozy replied with a mere intrigued smirk.

"First of all, I got a hat. But more importantly, it got me a lot of money, because you were able to give me all the details. As it turns out, a pony coming out of nowhere and going on all these crazy adventures has really managed to capture Equestria's attention... Don't expect it to last long. But, let's just say... she and my old boss who shall not be named... are gonna have an interesting date. Hopefully they come back alive."

A little later, in Canterlot

The heads of the aristocratic and the common of Canterlot's residents turned towards Sun and Death Drive. There were whispers and mutterings of them, half being surprised that Sun was here, and the others mostly being the onlookers expressing how confused they were to see Sun accompanied by such an odd pony. The rest of the onlookers' comments were confused utterings of "She doesn't have a cutie mark."

But Sun didn't care. She was practically glued to Death Drive as the two of them walked down the street. Her eyes were closed, as if she was in a daydream that she was actually living. She had friends, someone to love, power, and money. What didn't she have?

But suddenly, she felt herself be pushed backwards, and she fell onto the ground. The shock hit her like a train, sending a shockwave through her that dumbfounded her for a moment. But when she opened her eyes to see the pony she was about to profusely apologize to, she saw a pony whose comforting visage threw Sun into a flurry of emotion.

Sun gasped, and her face lit up as bright as her namesake. "Twilight!"

The alicorn's eyes widened, and her face quickly became puzzled. She couldn't help but pick up on how Death Drive was right beside Sun, and was helping her back up rather attentively. For a second, Twilight questioned her eyesight, almost tricking herself into thinking the pony beside Sun was Rarity, or maybe even that one gloomy unicorn she would see frequenting the boutique every week.

But Twilight's eyes weren't tricking her - it was just her mind, because of the surprise of Death Drive looking so close to Sun, both figuratively and literally.

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