Chapter 45: How to Adopt a Megalomaniac

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Fluttershy's cottage, many moons later (or, really, the present)

The filly was shocked hearing Cozy Glow's name.

Fluttershy explained, "Cozy Glow was one of the last villains me, Twilight, and our friends had to face before Sun came to Ponyville. She was just a filly, but she was a deceptive one. She tricked us all into trusting her, and she stole all of the magic in Equestria. We caught her red-hoofed, and imprisoned her in Tartarus. But... a certain draconequus freed her, and she teamed up with the two other remaining villains, the devourer of magic, Lord Tirek, and the mad shapeshifter, Queen Chrysalis. When they came together, in just a few days, they nearly undid everything we'd spent years working so hard to build. We stopped them, and turned the three to stone to punish them for what they've done, and we put the statue in Canterlot's gardens. They were gone for good, right? Well... not quite. You see, Sun had a horrible secret she had to keep."

Near Sun's house, many moons ago

Sun and Fluttershy were walking along the path to the unicorn's house after a long day of interesting but unspecified (to you, that is :D) events. "Wow, I can't believe that we found the Adornment of Agnus Dei." Sun grinned, satisfied with today's adventurous outing.

"Me too." Fluttershy replied with a more subtle grin. "But, u-uhm, if it can enhance your magic, are you sure you'll need it? I'm just asking because it sounds an awful lot like the Alicorn Amulet that turned Trixie evil... I'm just saying."

"Are you kidding me? I'm barely a unicorn, man. Also, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh, you're an earth pony? I thought so, but I just didn't want to assume. That reminds me, why were you so sad when you got back home the other day?"

Sun's smile dropped in an instant, caught off-guard by the question, which felt very intrusive to her. "I still don't want to talk about it. Maybe sometime, but not now." she replied firmly. She may still not have the strength to explain what happened a week ago, but at least she was able to be honest... sort of. 

"O-oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to pry!" Fluttershy quickly retreated from the question with a meek but profuse apology.

"It's fine. Just some... family issues 's all. I just need some time - it's not like I don't trust you or something." Sun unlocked the door to her house, and added, "I'll see you in a few days when I start at Twilight's school, right?"

"You sure will! I know you think you're a bit too old for school, but trust me, the school is for creatures of all ages."

"That sounded like an ad, but thanks. See you." She bid the pegasus farewell, and closed the door behind her, welcoming the silence of her comfy home as the sound of clopping hooves slowly moving away from her. She was tired, and closed her eyes to briefly rest them as she walked over to her couch. But suddenly, she tripped and fell over. Her mistake, obviously... or so she thought.

Opening her eyes, her pupils darted to see what dared to make her fall, and she thought it would be a dropped book or even maybe an accidentally-summoned demon. But the reality was far stranger, and it took a while for Sun to fully realize what she was looking at. And what that was, was a filly. Although, with her coat of pinkish gray and curly mane of pale arctic blue - tied together with an ivory ribbon-bow - it was easy to mistake her as a giant piece of cotton candy. But the filly's freckled face, small wings, and a cutie mark of a rook tipped Sun off that what she was looking at was a filly rather than really solid cotton candy.

Sun reacted only with a gasp as the filly grunted and rubbed her head, slowly beginning to open her eyes. Questions of what this filly was doing in her house were filling the unicorn's mind, and the filly was asking herself the same question. She had a look of fear in her eyes when she saw Sun in front of her.

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