Chapter 1: The Shadow Over Ponyville

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Ponyville, many moons ago

Innocent Sun sat on a train heading for Ponyville, looking outside the window of her seat as more and more thoughts began to pile up in her mind. After many diversions, her train of thought suddenly came to a halt as she tried to remember what it was she was thinking of before it derailed. But her mind drew a blank, almost literally, as she started to realize that she couldn't quite remember anything, let alone what she was thinking about earlier. She even started to panic a little, realizing that she couldn't even remember why she was on the train.

What was this feeling? As much as she wanted to know what it was, she felt needed to stop thinking about it before she passes out. Luckily, the train coming to a stop was a perfect way to transition into thinking about something else. That being, taking all her heavy luggage to her new home... which was at the edge of town. She really had her work cut out for her, even though she thought herself to be skilled at levitation via magic.

Walking out of the train station, she finally was able to get a good look at Ponyville. It was no beachside paradise, but it was a nice change of scenery from her home, the memory of which seemed to escape her at the moment. The town was...

"Nice and quaint." Sun said to nobody.

She walked through the town, dragging her luggage as she took in everything around her... Not that there was much to take in, but she actually liked that. She got absorbed in the simple vibe of the town, and it felt like a welcome. For a short moment, she completely forgot about how foggy her memory was becoming. But suddenly, just as she was nearing where her new house was located...

"There she is!" a southern-accented voice suddenly exclaimed. Before Sun could process what was going on, she felt a pony slam into her, sending her flying onto the ground. Then, the pony stopped their dash, clearly realizing they had just accidentally injured our unicorn protagonist. 

"Sorry about that, sugarcube! Here, lemme help ya up." the pony said, extending a hoof to, like she said, help Sun up. When Sun laid her eyes upon the pony, she saw exactly who she thought a southern voice like that would belong to. An earth pony with a blonde mane, freckles, and even a cowboy hat. Before Sun could get out a word in response, the pony dashed off.

Although not purposefully, Sun had to follow the pony, since she seemed to be going in the direction of Sun's new house. She began to worry if something had happened there, but when she found out, she was less than concerned, despite what she saw. On the path to her house, she saw the pony join five others, which were surrounding what appeared to be a two-horned unicorn. A unique sight, but not one Sun was interested at the moment.

("Blackened Angel" from Devil May Cry 4)

The two-horned unicorn snickered with a malicious grin, and it quickly became full-on laughter. "I am the messenger of the night - a shadowy crusader that will bring the eternal night!" the bicorn announced with a villainous tone. While onlookers gasped, the six ponies who stood around her had no fear.

"Uh, that sounds like something Nightmare Moon would say, and you aren't Nightmare Moon." one of the ponies - a light-blue coated pegasus with a rainbow mane - said in response. 

"You're right. I am her loyal servant, Ultra Violet!" The bicorn suddenly lunged towards the pegasus, tackling her to the ground. Before Ultra Violet could do anything, the one alicorn of the group - a pinkish-purple mare who faintly rang a bell in Sun's head - blasted a beam of magic towards the bicorn, which she dodged effortlessly. In fact, she used it to her advantage, not only jumping away from the beam, but towards the alicorn to deliver a powerful kick that sent her flying backwards.

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