Chapter 3: Foreshock

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Back at Fluttershy's cottage

Fluttershy continued to tell the story to the filly. "Me and Sun weren't the best of friends. We had our share of arguments and hurtful words sometimes... But I liked her. She was similar to me, being socially awkward and at times, a little standoffish. She was similar to me... but in that moment, once she laid her eyes upon that monstrous frog... whether she knew it or not... she'd changed the Fates' design. She'd opened up a new path in her life. And as she walked on that path, leaves fell from the withered trees looming above... and those leaves were leaves of ivy, laced with the poison of temptation. Temptation... for more power."

She continued, "But she wasn't the only one who walked along that path. There was another, but she wasn't as careful as Sun. She followed Sun down the path, driven by anger, envy, and spite, rather than curiosity. She hoped to kill Sun. But in her pursuit, she stumbled again and again, carelessly stepping over the ivy leaves as she tried so desperately to achieve her goal."

Ponyville's town center, many moons ago

"Nids!" Twilight exclaimed from the podium. "That's the name I'll use to refer to the monsters that have been rampaging in our town." She held up one of the Nids in her hoof, putting it on display for all to see. It was a small, scorpion-esque creature that wriggled like a worm. It had no eyes that could be seen, but prominent, gnashing teeth, and a black shell. Everybody gasped in  awe and surprise as they witnessed it merely wriggle in place as Twilight held it.

"How vile!" Rarity gasped.

"So what're we gonna do with 'em?" Applejack asked. She was obviously concerned for the wellbeing of Ponyville, but especially for her farm. "Those li'l varmints're gonna eat all the farm's apples if we don't hurry!" After that, the crowd began complaining about their various new Nid-related problems just as she did, drowning each other out with one "I can't ___ without the Nids ___" after another.

"I personally have no problems with 'em, probably 'cause I stay inside all the time." Sun commented to Fluttershy, even though she knew that no one had asked for her opinion. "Whatever. It's fine. They may be small, but I'm sure you guys can find 'em with your friendship stuff or somethin'." she added, before beginning to trot away from the crowd. "I'm just gonna go home and read a book or somethin' like that. Don't wanna get in your way or anythin'. Although," she paused to lightly chuckle to herself, "y'know if they end up in my house that I'll come right back to you. See ya." she added, walking in the direction of her house... before Fluttershy pulled her right back in, to the exact spot she was standing. 

"I-I don't mean to be too assertive, but I actually think you should try to help us. You did handle that beelzebufo well... even if I didn't see what you did. So maybe you could help us out with the Nids!" the pegasus pleaded. Sun replied firm on her choice, "I'm really sorry, but I'm gonna have to stick with my previous decision. Just seems a bit too dangerous for me." 

"O-oh... Okay. I understand." Fluttershy said, lowering her head in disappointment. "I'm sure we'll be fine." she assured her unicorn friend. It made Sun feel bad, not just because she disappointed her friend who was being quite nice to her, but also because she felt a little embarrassed for needing to be convinced to help out the town from just some tiny monsters. So, she changed her mind.

"Wait, no... I changed my mind. I'll go and help!" She looked around, searching for somebody she could tolerate being with. "Uh, who do I go with?" she looked back to Fluttershy with a slightly embarrassed grin. 

"Oh, well... uhm... I think Applejack is going to Sweet Apple Acres. Maybe you could–" 

"Sounds good! I'll go with her– Oh, sorry. You didn't finish. Go on." 

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