Chapter 19: Eye of the Beast

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The throne room of Twilight's castle, Ponyville

"Who're you?" the Changeling monarch asked, with a hint of anger and disgust in his voice. 

"Wait, that's not the queen?" Sun asked Avalonia, "Then, who in Tartarus is he?!"

"I don't know! He looks like Chrysalis - he even has a crown - but he's not her! And... I don't remember Twilight saying she has a weird eye covered by skin, so that doesn't really help... Wow, it's creepy..." Avalonia tried to answer. The Changeling continued to glare at them as the two scrambled to try to figure out who he was. But because Sun only spoke to Avalonia internally, it just looked like the unicorn was choosing not to answer the Changeling, and it began to irritate him.

"Answer the question." he growled.

"Tell me who you are first!" Sun smirked.

Avalonia's immediate reaction was to yell, "What are you doing?!", shocked at Sun's sudden disregard for the danger of the situation which Avalonia thought she'd learned at this point.

"What? You don't remember me?" he smirked, and began to approach Sun menacingly. He only stopped getting closer when he was the closest he could be, and he stared into her with a villainous, malicious smile. "Maybe this'll jog your memory."

He flashed his insectoid wings at her, and it made Sun realize something

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He flashed his insectoid wings at her, and it made Sun realize something. She recognized them, although vaguely, from when she suddenly fell unconscious. Those fly-like wings were the reason she did - they seemed to have some sort of property that made her dizzy if she even glanced at them. The Changeling laughed at her expression of realization.

"That's right! You thought you were seeing Blue Moon Quartz, but it was me! KING NYMPHA!" he proclaimed, with an even brighter, toothier grin than before. He was eating up every emotion Sun showed, and they were all delicious. It was also just funny to watch Sun's mouth hang open with surprise.

"There's no Chrysalis here, is there? You're behind all of this, aren't you?! Let everyone go, you maniac!" Sun scowled.

"Well, 'yes' to the first two things, but 'no' to the last. That stupid insect is still an ugly rock in Canterlot's gardens, I'm afraid. Actually, that's the reason I'm here. You see, she's my..." He suddenly paused, as if catching himself before he said something he shouldn't. "Well, if I called her my 'wife', that would imply she's a creature with as much intelligence as I have, so let's not use that word. She was my partner, and as much as I hate to admit it, I was in love with that moron. Thing is: she was using me, feeding off of my love until she decided she had enough one day and threw me out. I'd smash her statue to bits if I could, I swear."

Sun could only stand there, anger rising as she was forced to listen to this giant cockroach ramble on about marital issues, as if she was supposed to care about who she was going to beat up in a few seconds... or minutes... or years... or centuries... If he ever finishes, that is.

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