Chapter 50: Blood & Darkness

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Fluttershy's cottage, many moons later

"The next day, tragedy struck. The day before, just out of Sun's frame of view, steel storm clouds were gathering, and on that next day, they roared with thunder, and their bolts of lightning cracked the sky. Knowing from where it came, Sun raised her hooves to the heavens above with resentment in her eyes. She pleaded with the storm, not for it to stop, but because she shared its rage. The storm had caused her so much strife and pain, and she wasn't going to take it anymore. She lashed out against it, and with all her might, she fought back against the storm. It sounded like a meaningless effort, but she gave it her all. And what resulted was a battle for the ages."

The School of Friendship, many moons ago

Sun decided to come to the school again today, since yesterday went so perfectly. All that was happening on this day was a school assembly, but she came anyway since her friends would be there. It wasn't exactly the most solid reason to be there, but it was a good enough reason for her. So, she showed up to the auditorium, and sat down next to Gallus, since Maple and/or Yakta hadn't shown up yet. She would have sat by herself, but she just liked being around Gallus. She wasn't quite sure why, but she chalked it up to just thinking that he was cool, but maybe she had a thing for griffons.

More and more students showed up, and eventually, the assembly started as Rainbow Dash walked up to the podium and began to read the speech she had prepared. It was a speech for the students, so Sun felt free to drown it out with her own thoughts. The rest of the Mane Five, as well as Starlight, Sunburst, and Trixie, stood on the stage with Rainbow as she read. It was going perfectly. But like all perfect things, it didn't last long.

The doors to the auditorium suddenly swung open, and everyone's heads turned to see Obassi rushing into the room to Sun's side. Rainbow was a bit annoyed at being interrupted by this person who probably wasn't a part of the school, or even a parent, and she went back to reading her speech.

"COZY GLOW?!" a voice screeched.

Everyone's heads turned again, and the audience erupted into a chorus of horrified and shocked gasps as they saw their worst nightmare standing before them: Cozy Glow. Sun's jaw dropped, while Obassi's blood ran cold. A scared Cozy stood in front of the stage, almost looking as though she was inexplicably put there by someone. Sun leapt from her seat and dashed to shield her, soon to be accompanied by Obassi, who hoped to do the same.

"Don't hurt her!" Sun pleaded, her and Obassi standing between Cozy and the crowd.

"Sun?! Wh-what are you doing?!" Applejack was nearly at a loss for words, caught completely off-guard. 

"We're protecting her." Obassi boldly declared in reply. 

"Y-yeah." Sun said, adding nothing to what he said. They were only met with a confused silence, as no one knew what to think right now. Everyone started to slowly approach them, as if trying to back them into a corner to subtly convince them to give Cozy to them for some not-so-friendship-based reasons.

"Do you even know who she is, Sun...?" Rarity growled.

Even though it wasn't in a literal sense, Sun's back was already against the wall. It wouldn't hurt her to be honest right now. "Obassi told me. I know she was a megalomaniac who you guys turned to stone, but I wasn't the one who brought her back. I swear, she just appeared in my house, and I had no choice but to take her in."

"She's right. I've been taking care of Cozy while Sun was at school for the past few days, and I know that she's a good kid. She's not the same as before." Obassi added.

Like many others, Rainbow was at a loss for words, but also filled with anger. Just after she decided to give Sun a second chance yesterday, she's suddenly been taking care of Cozy Glow! The pegasus finally decided she'd had enough of her, and this was the perfect time to finally give her a piece of her mind. "Sun... WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! You took in COZY GLOW?! Why can't you just be normal for one second?! You've done so many terrible things before, but this is easily the worst, for me, at least! You don't even know who Cozy is, do you?! Ever since you came here, I've always had a bad feeling about you, and now I know I was right all along that you were a weirdo. You always have something to hide, and I'M TIRED OF IT!! WAS BEING TOTALLY ANNOYING ALL THE TIME NOT ENOUGH?! YOU HAD TO GET AN EGO SO BIG YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD TAKE IN COZY GLOW?!! I DON'T USUALLY DISLIKE PEOPLE, LET ALONE DESPISE THEM, BUT I KNOW YOU ARE THE WORST PONY I'VE EVER MET IN MY LIFE!"

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