Chapter 71: Party of Sun

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Some random spot near Sun's house

"...What am I looking at?" Sun asked, not expecting to get a legitimate answer.

In front of her stood a chimera, a creature looking like its mother was twelve different animals. It looked like it had personally picked out the clashing features of its body to create what looked to Sun like what would come to mind if someone said the words "financially struggling draconequus" to her, and asked her to describe what image it conjured in her mind. Little did Sun know, it was a draconequus - the draconequus.

"Oh, you don't know who he is?" giggled Fluttershy, who stood beside the creature. "I'm surprised, since you know so much about spirits and things like that."

"So you're telling me you know what this is?"

Fluttershy nodded, "Of course I do! We're best friends. Well, I have to go now. You two have fun... and please don't come back until 3PM. Thanks." She then flew off, leaving the two behind to talk.

But all there was was silence.

Sun still struggled to figure out what exactly she was looking at. She blinked, as if she was trying to make sure she was seeing right. But when her eyes came open after not even a half second of being closed... the creature was gone. Sun gasped. Now, she was starting to think she was going insane, and there was no creature there. Maybe all the power she still contained thanks to the Sahasrara - which she still didn't know what to do with - was starting to warp her mind, and see things that weren't there-

"You know, when someone plays hide and seek, typically the player who isn't hiding has to seek out the seeker, Sun."

Sun could swear she just heard a masculine-sounding voice speaking to her... about hide and seek? She really was going insane... Well, maybe she was, but when she turned around, and saw the creature hanging upside-down from a tree, its grinning face mere inches from her face, she yelped in surprise at the sight, knowing it was undoubtedly real.

"Wait, was that you? Th-the one who spoke to me just now?" Sun asked, not knowing what to expect.

"Of course!" the creature spoke excitedly, yet in a way that was perfectly calm and maybe calculated. "Let me just say that is an honor to meet you, Sun. I'm sure you feel the same." It reached out its left hand to Sun for a hand/hoofshake, which Sun reluctantly agreed to. But when Sun felt the creature's eagle-like hand clutch onto her hoof, she realized that the creature's entire appendage had come off. She was unnerved, but the creature didn't seem to care.

"Uh, yeah... You know, I'd probably be a lot more starstruck if I... actually know who you are." Sun replied, letting out a nervous chuckle.

Suddenly, the creature's eyes widened. It then disappeared into a flash of light, and reappeared behind Sun. When the unicorn turned around, she was met with not only the creature, but a ring of flashy, Las Pegasus-esque neon lights, all of which were pointed towards the creature with the word "DISCORD" on them, lit up in bright, colorful letters.

Sun gasped, but this time, in excitement. "Oh my gosh, you're Discord?!" Her face was as bright as the signs pointing toward the draconequus. 

"Finally! Someone gets it!" Discord laughed. He snapped his fingers, and his hand disappeared from Sun's hoof, and reappeared on his arm.

"Wow... So, you're really him?! The spirit of chaos?! I-I'm sorry I didn't recognize you, you just look a little..."

Discord dropped his smile and raised an eyebrow, expecting some kind of unintentional insult to come out Sun's mouth. "A little what?"

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