Chapter 21: Sun's Day Off From Madness

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Fluttershy's cottage, many moons later

"I could probably end the story there if I wanted to. Sun was happy and content. But that's not the end. Not in the slightest. There were still so many questions to be answered, like 'where did she come from?', 'what are these demons?', 'who was Death Drive?' and 'what was Sun's Element?' Unfortunately, if I'm going to continue the story, we're going to... to..." 

Fluttershy suddenly stopped, beginning to tear up incredibly quickly. Abandoning all sense of composure, she barely attempted to regain it, covering her quivering mouth with her hooves. "I-I'm sorry... I c-c-can never get through th-this part without getting sad... Are you sure you still w-want to hear it...?"

Unsurprisingly, the filly nodded, and the mare sighed in response.

"Okay. It's your choice... This is the story of how Sun learned what friendship truly means... while having to deal with her own dark fate. She was struck ill, and had to make her way down the path with a limp, even when she knew she would collapse and... die... Something beyond time and space came to her, to give her this horrible revelation that would make her commit horrible acts just for a chance to keep living. But for now... let's think about happier things."

Ponyville, many moon's ago

"Where is everybody?" Sun wondered. Ponyville was a ghost town today, and it didn't seem to be because of anything bad this time. It was one of those nice, sunny days right before summer, where it was here in every sense, but it was still technically spring. 

"Uh, well, the thing is, Sun... people have jobs to be at, and schools to attend. Not everyone has unlimited free time like you." Avalonia snarked back, still just a little bit mad at Sun for what she did against King Nympha last night. 

"Wait, Twilight has a job?"

"Yeah, she's a teacher. Also, a princess, but of what, I don't know."

"She's a teacher?!"

"Haven't you been paying attention at all?!"

"Man, I didn't think she was being literal when she said that! When she said I was her student or whatever, I thought she meant I was her apprentice or something."

"Well, I think she did mean that, but... Hey, why don't we go to her school? We have nothing better to do, do we?"

"You got that right!" The two would've high-fived if Avalonia wasn't a tumor of mist on Sun's back at the moment.

["Sea Arc" from Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers]

The two eagerly headed to Twilight's school, the hilariously-named School of Friendship. Both of them could barely say a word of that name with a straight face, but I digress. The school looked a lot nicer than Sun expected. The school's entrance was a crystalline path that stood in the center of a pond, fed into by waterfalls from the small mountain behind the school. It was quite appeasing to Sun's eyes, because she liked architecture that integrated the nature around it.

 It was quite appeasing to Sun's eyes, because she liked architecture that integrated the nature around it

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