Chapter 53: Derpy Delivers an Organ

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Back in Ponyville

It was just another day in the life of Derpy Hooves. A sunny sky outside, a pile of packages waiting to be delivered, and Derpy herself, on a break with a basket of delicious muffins. As usual, she was adorably eager to pick said basket clean of all its edible contents, and the second it turned noon, she threw a sign onto her desk saying that the post office was closed for lunch, and she galloped to the break room. 

"It's the best time of the day! It's muffin time~!" she chirped, placing her basket onto a table hopping into a chair right next to it. Of course, everypony knew Derpy loved muffins, but no one really knew how big of an affinity she really had for them. Similarly, despite her simple way of thinking, the inner machinations of the pegasus' mind were an enigma. But one thing was certain: she loved muffins. Somehow, she never once got tired of them. There wasn't a single lunch break in her many moons of package delivering that she didn't spend adorably wolfing down muffins. She had no shame admitting it, and why would anyone shame her? It's just Derpy doing what Derpy does. And sometimes (like right now), that means literally throwing herself into a basket of muffins.

"Whphs..." she said upon catching herself, her voice muffled beyond recognition by the muffins she'd stuck her head into in her excitement. She pulled out her head, and briefly laughed at herself. She decided to take a more careful approach, simply taking one of the muffins out of the basket and taking a bite of it. Then, she took another, and another, and I think you get it. She moved onto the next muffin as soon as she finished the first, and once she was finished that one, she moved onto the next, and the next after that, etc. 

She was as invested in eating as ever, but there was something that started to make itself more and more known as she continued. It was some kind of horrible smell that began so subtly that Derpy didn't even tell it was there at first. But it became less and less easy to ignore, and it was a smell that smelled familiar, yet she couldn't put her hoof on what it was. She looked through the few muffins that were left now, thinking that she would find that the smell was coming from a muffin that had turned bad... But all of them were perfectly fresh.

As Derpy was about to sink her teeth into the very last muffin, the smell had grown so obnoxious that she couldn't stand it anymore. Now mildly angry (if she could even feel anger in the first place), Derpy softly slammed her muffin onto the table, and she trotted to the source of the smell. 

"I'll be back for you, muffin!" she proclaimed. The sickening scent led her to one of the piles of packages that had been building up for Celestia knows how long. She dug through the mountain, and quickly found the source of the repulsing odor: a small box, appearing no different from its normal-smelling brethren. "I've got you now! I am going to deliver you, Mr. Box! You're going to... Uh..." She paused her heroic declaration, taking a glance at a clipboard with each of the packages' delivery addresses, and she was surprised to find that this one was going to Innocent Sun's house. She glared at the inanimate box again, and resumed. "You're going to Innocent Sin's house!"

Moving swiftly was made harder than she expected because of the amount of muffins she had eaten, but her willpower made up for it. She needed this package gone if she was even going to think straight... Then again, does she ever think straight? If anything, maybe she thinks curved. 

(Writer's note: that last part was a joke don't think about it too hard)

She marched in the direction of Sun's house with the package held tight in the pegasus' wing, and a determined look in her crossed eyes. She galloped through the town, speeding past its vibrant populace in a rush to reach Sun's secluded home on the outskirts of town. As she approached the cul-de-sac of trees where the house was located, the smell became quite annoying to her again, so much so that it once again became unbearable. 

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