Chapter 18: Midnight Calling

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Sun awoke slowly, feeling a bit light-headed. All she could see was a semi-translucent shade of green in front of her. Maybe she'd see something else if she could move, but she both didn't feel like it, and probably couldn't, even if she tried. She was concerned, but barely even cared at this point. In fact, she wished she cared.

"Sun, we need to get out of here!" Avalonia barked. Sun could see her - in her bicorn form, and upside down for some reason - feeling around whatever they were seemingly imprisoned in. Suddenly, Avalonia stopped to look at Sun, and her eyes widened in concern. "Sun! Do you hear me?! You're alive, right?!" she asked rhetorically, shaking Sun.

"I am. Where are we now?" Sun replied lifelessly, as a mix of both her lightheadedness and general hopelessness. She was tired of everything, and although she was in danger right now, she just didn't want want to deal with it.

["Substitute Invasion" from Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion (I think lol)]

"I'm not sure, honestly... But from the look of it, i-it's probably a Changeling chrysalis." the spectre gleaned, although what a "Changeling" was escaped Sun at the moment. Although fearful, Avalonia was actually quite disgusted, as her revelation came to her because she could recognize the disgusting texture of the inner tissue of the chrysalis. Perhaps she could break it with the use of her magic, but she noticed something that suddenly made this a lot more complicated.

She saw an odd-looking Changeling guard at the other end of the room, who seemed to be scanning the other chrysalises to make sure their prisoners are still imprisoned. She didn't know how long it had been there, but it didn't seem to acknowledge them anyways. Avalonia sighed, and felt there was something a little more important that she needed to do before they could make their escape.

"Sun, we can get out of here. But if we're going to, I need you to help. I can only move so far, and in no way am I going to even try to carry you. I'm so, so sorry about what happened yesterday, but - and I'm sorry again, but it needs to be said - we can feel sad later. We can cry as much as we want. But right now, we just need to push through this... At least until we find out what's going on. If you don't get up, this chrysalis is going to slowly dissolve your body of energy until there's nothing left, so I need you to be the one who can push through this. This is something we can't run away from."

Sun was on the verge of falling into despair, freezing up completely. But that would be what a filly would do, and she's not a filly. Even though she had no motivation to even move, she knew what Avalonia was saying was true. She needed to be the one to push through this. She didn't know what kind of danger she was in, but at least Avalonia was there to try to figure it out for her. In fact, she was glad Avalonia was there for her at all. She was the only thing that could save her... but she could only save her if she helped too.

That revelation was what finally moved Sun, both figuratively and literally. Avalonia was a way out of here that no other pony had, and that gave Sun motivation, knowing that she was lucky to have her in her life. They were a one-of-a-kind duo, and all it would take to get them out of this was just for Sun to get up... and so, she did. She raised her head, all the rising fluids washing off of her almost immediately.

"Glad to have you back." Avalonia grinned. Without only a brief warning of "Prepare for a fight, Sun." she used her two horns to tear the tissue of the chrysalis apart, which was easier than it sounds. Its structure torn, the chrysalis broke, sending the horned duo to the floor. Just as Avalonia predicted, the guard noticed, and hissed towards them. 

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