Chapter 26

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Our flight had landed and we drove home. I walked into Emily's house. I saw all the boys look at me with worry and looked around for Jacob. I couldn't find him
"He's out back. He's worried and he can't control his feelings right now." Sam said
"Does anybody know what happened?" I asked worried
"No. He got a call a couple days ago and since then he's been on edge. He almost went to the cullens house without you a couple of times. It took me and paul holding him back" Sam replied
"You guys haven't talked to the cullens?" Embry asked
"Dude Novas our communication with them." Jared butt in
"They're not a enemy anymore. You guys have to start working together now." I rolled my eyes
I saw Jacob come in and look at me running towards me and hugging me
"Jake.." I hugged him
"I'm so sorry I called you home but..." He started crying
"Hey..." I held him "You did nothing wrong."
"I can't sleep not knowing if she's okay." Jake said
"we'll go over there right now." I said
"Thank you" he replied
"Be safe and call me if anything" Embry hugged me
"I will" I said kissing him softly
"Now's not the time for a make out session Jake's about to piss himself" Jared said laughing
I used my telekinesis and threw a water bottle at his head. It hit him and flew far.
"Hey!" He yelled rubbing his forehead
I smirked and walked out getting into Jake's bike. We drove off and reached the Cullens speeding the whole way.

Me and Jake got off the bike and went up to the door and Carlisle met us at it
"Carlisle?" I said worried
"Is it true?" Jake said pushing past him
"Hello Jacob how are you?" Carlisle said sarcastically
"Is she here?" I asked
"How was your honeymoon Nov?" He asked sincerely
"Short" I said bluntly
""Listen just give it to us straight" Jake said
"Jake, Nova is that you?" We heard bella
We looked at the other room confused
"She's here?" Jake asked
"She's home?" I added
"They came home 2 weeks ago" Carlisle said softly
Me and Jake both ran up to her
"Jake" Carlisle said
We reached upstairs and saw Rose blocking her. I looked at her confused. Everyone was surrounding her. Jake walked closer but I was scared to
"I'm glad you two came." Bella said
Jake stepped closer but Rose stopped him looking at him in a threatening way
"Close enough" Rose said
"Rosie" I said sternly walking closer
"What's your problem?" Jake remarked
"Rose it's okay" Bella said
Rose moved out the way as Jake leaned down and I looked at Bella horrified. She was all bony and it looked like the life was being sucked out of her. She looked at me begging me to come closer to her
"You look terrible" Jake snarked
"Yea it's nice to see you too" Bella smiled
"So are you gonna tell me what's wrong with you?" Jake asked
I used my powers to read Alice's and Edward's mind. She's pregnant?!
"You're fucking kidding!" I screamed
"Nova please" Jasper tried calming me
"Rose, you wanna help me up?" Bella said as I started crying
Her stomach was bruised and she looked horrible. I read Alice's mind as I watched the fear from her face She can't see bella's future anymore
Jake's face fell and he charged towards Edward as I stood shaking. Carlisle called Embry to come get us quickly
"You did this!" Jake yelled
Emmet held Jake back
"We didn't know it was even possible" Carlisle said
"And that makes it right!" I yelled
"What is it?" Jake asked angrily
"I'm not sure..." Carlisle started
I ran out feeling my blood boiling. My powers were about to become out of control if I couldn't calm myself down
I screamed letting my powers out of me I didn't realize I burnt all of the trees around me with my electricity. I picked them up out of the ground with my telekinesis and threw them. I started sobbing and my eyes started glowing. I was scared of what was happening. I fell to the floor with my head spinning.
"Nova?!" I heard running towards me
"Baby it's okay." Embry went down to me
"No go away! I don't wanna hurt you!" I screamed
He grabbed my arms and I heard the electricity hit him. He screamed in pain
"Embry!" I yelled not being able to see through my glowing eyes
He grabbed my face and held it
"Read my mind!" He yelled
I listened and read his mind

We both looked into eachothers eyes and he leaned down and kissed me softly. I was taken aback at first but I kissed him back afterwards. I put my arms around his neck and he put his on my waist. We stopped for air and I hugged him.
"I love you Nova. I always have"
"I love you too Embry"
"Nova. Will you be my girlfriend?"
It was the day he asked me out
Soon Paul told me to uncover my eyes and I opened them revealing Embry under lights with letters that said Marry me. There were rose petals on the floor into a heart shape. I started tearing up. Embry grabbed my hand and got down on one knee looking up at me
"Nova, words cannot capture the love and joy that you have brought into my life. Every moment we've spent together has been a blessing, and I can't imagine my future without you by my side. Today, I want to take the next step in our journey together and ask you the most important question of my life. Nova, I know we are young and have so much ahead of us, but I believe that true love knows no boundaries or time constraints. From the moment we met, our connection felt extraordinary, and it has only grown stronger with each passing day. Our love is rooted in trust, respect, and an unwavering support for one another. Everything we've been through showed that you are my soulmate. You bring out the best in me. You inspire me to be a better person, to push beyond my limits, and to chase after my dreams fearlessly. You accept me for who I am, wolf and all. You're my imprint and I love you so much. You're the person for me. This is the place we first met. Where we hung out for the first time and where I imprinted on you and realized how in love with you I was. I know you're new life is gonna begin soon but I wanna be apart of it, no matter how long it takes us to see eachother again. I wanna be by your side through it all. I know you're gonna change but my love for you never will. I wanna be apart of your life no matter what. Nova Black will you marry me and make me the happiest wolf in existence?" Embry said tearing up
"Yes! Yes i'll marry you!" I said crying
He kissed me as everyone cheered I looked around and saw everyone I loved there. Even the cullens. He put on the ring which was so beautiful and hugged me
"she said yes!!" He screamed
It was the first time he proposed
I soon felt my body calm down and came back to reality.
"Please come back to me" Embry said
I regained my vision and noticed the viable burn mark on Embrys wrist from the electric shock I sent through his body. I started sobbing and looked at him
"I'm so sorry baby" I cried
"Hey look i'm okay" He softly said

Published May 2 2024

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