Chapter 11

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Me and Bella had walked back to the house and her and Jake left.

It was dinner time and I had been off since Bella told me. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Would she hurt my pack to get to me? I couldn't let them get hurt over me. I care about them too much
I sat down on Embry picking at my food
"Baby what's wrong. You've been acting weird since your talk with bella" Embry asked holding onto my thigh
"I need to talk to you guys" I said
"Is everything okay hun?" Emily asked
"So you know how the vampire was here at the house right? I thought she was after Bella. Why would she be here?" I said
"Who knows what these vampires are planning" Quil said
"You have a good point" Sam said
"I know why" I said
"Why?" Embry said nervous
"She's after me" I said
"Why would she be after you?" Embry asked
"I used my telekinesis on the other vampire that was after Bella in the field. She was watching" I said sadly
Everyone looked at me scared and surprised but in the worst way possible
"Then we'll deal with it" Paul said
"Yea it's only her" Jared said
"We've dealt with one already" Sam said
"We'll protect you baby" Embry said
"No matter what" Leah said
"We got you Nova" Quil said
"there's nothing to be worried about" Emily said coming over to me
"She wants to turn me. Have me on her side" I said looking at the floor
"You couldn't even if she turned you" Embry said
"Yea she wouldn't change who your are personality wise" Sam said
"you're too pure for that" Paul said
"I wouldn't have a choice" I said
"Why not?" Embry asked
"When you get turned into a vampire you do whatever your maker says. The same way we listen to our alphas orders vampires do too and their alpha is whoever turned them. She wants me for my powers. What if she gets to me" I said on the verge of tears
"baby don't even think that way! We're in this together. We got your back!" Embry said wiping the tears falling from my face.
"we won't let anything happen to you" Sam said
"We'll protect you" Paul said
"no matter what" Jared added
"We'd die protecting you" Jake said walking in
"I don't want you guys getting hurt though" I hugged Embry tightly
Everyone kept telling me it was gonna be okay but honestly if push comes to shove I will sacrifice myself to save them. I couldn't let them die or get hurt because of me. I wouldn't live with myself. We have no idea what we're up against and honestly I think we should've asked the Cullens for help. They know what the vampires are capable of

It's been a couple of days since we saw Victoria. Jake woke me up and Embry looked up at him. I yawned
"dude" Embry said
"What's wrong?" I asked
"We need to go help Bella" Jake said
I got up and we went to her house. She opened the door and explained that someone was in her house. We went up to her room and the stench immediately hit my nose. It was a new scent
"Whoever it was, he left his stink behind." Jake said as we walked out
"it'll be hard to miss when we cross it again." I added
"We'll handle it from here" Jake said
"We don't need you to handle anything. Or anyone" Edward said
"I could care less what you think" Jake said angrily
"Alright we're done" Edward replied
"No you're done here" Jake scoffed
"Stop!" Bella said
"Guys we're not here to argue! This isn't about our sides anymore! This is about Bella and keeping her safe!" I yelled
"Nova's right, i'm tired of this. From now on i'm switzerland okay" she said
I looked at her confused
"Yea she's right." I said confused but completely on her side
Something about the scent I smelled kinda felt similar but I couldn't put my finger on it. It smelled like a vampire but like cologne too. I smelled it before
The boys kept arguing and Jake stormed off into my car. I apologized to Bella and drove him back to the packs place. I knew I needed to push on the idea of working with The Cullens. Then I remembered I have alpha voice so they'd have to listen whether they wanted to or not. We got home and Jake shoved a muffin into his mouth. Everyone was around so I took my chance. Even if I was nervous
"We need to talk" I said
Everyone sat or stood around the table
"I have an idea on how to beat the vampires" I said looking down
Everyone looked at me waiting for me to continue. I'd probably be disowned
"No. We can't Nova" Jake said
"We have to! We have no idea what we're up against! I don't want you guys getting hurt and it's not just about Bella anymore! What about Charlie?! What about me!" I yelled tearing up
"What's the idea?" Embry asked
"We need help from the Cullens." I said ready to be yelled at
"What?!" Embry yelled
"That doesn't sound like a good idea" Sam added
"I hate that idea" Leah scoffed
"How do we know we could trust them?!" Paul yelled
"They're vampires too. What if they give you for Bella's safety?!" Jared asked
"Yea you can't be serious" Quil said
"What makes you think it'll work anyways. The cullens hate us." Jake said
"not me. I don't have anything against them even if it's in the legends. The same way we hate when people judge us based on the legends we shouldn't judge them. If Bella trusts them they couldn't be that bad. They're willing to do this over a human." I said
"She's got a point" Emily added
"We can't trust them. They're planning on changing her!" Jake yelled
"That's not our decision! You can't fucking think straight cause you still like her! She chose him over you Jake get over it! You need to get your head out of your ass cause it's clouding your judgement!" I yelled getting angry
He scoffed and walked off. Everyone looked at me in disbelief
"Look I wouldn't be saying this if it wasn't serious. It was someone we've never seen before. She could be starting an army!" I yelled
Published February 11 2024

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