Chapter 12

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After trying to convince them they still looked at me with disappointment
"Guys please. We can't do this alone and I can't have you getting hurt over this. She's after me so shouldn't I get a say in it." I looked at them in hope
Silence filled the air with thick tension
"Please guys" I said tearing up
"How would we do this?" Embry asked
I looked at him and he gave me a look of belief and I felt confident again
"I think I should go and talk to them since i'm the luna of the group. We want their help. I have a feeling the red head is getting more vampires against us for killing the dread head and for the cullens for killing her mate. We need all the help we can get. Jake fucked it up the first time so ima talk to their leader which is Carlisle. If we can't get their help we'll do it by ourselves but it's worth a try" I said with hope in my eyes
"you can't go solo. I won't let you" Embry said
"we can't all just waltz into their territory. We'd break the treaty" I said
"What if you talked to Bella first? Get her to win them over to the idea" Emily said smiling at me warmly
"You're right." I said smiling back
"I still wouldn't let you go alone. I'm coming with" Embry said
"I'd be coming too" Jake said walking in
"If you do you can't be stupid. We need help and if you're coming to sabotage my plan I will hurt you Jake. This isn't just about me. Victoria could hurt the pack and if it's your fault i'll never forgive you." I said looking directly into his eyes
"This better work Luna." Sam said
"yea we're trusting you" Paul added
"I hope we don't die cause of you" Jared said smiling
"Yea. Let's not mess this up" Quil added
Leah wasn't fond of the idea but she didn't have a choice. It was for us

We finally arrived at Bella's house. I looked at Embry nervously.
"You got this baby" He said
"I'm so nervous what if they say no?" I said with worry
"who could say no to that face?" Embry said kissing me softly
"Now go get this done. If it doesn't work we'll figure out another way but we won't let anything happen to you" he said
I got out the car and Bella came out
"Hey. How are you" Bella asked
"Well as good as I can be with the whole the vampire wants to enslave me part." I said laughing nervously
"Yea that part sucks" Bella said before waving at Embry in the car
"I wanted to say sorry for Jake's behavior. I know this is a long shot but do you think you could ask Carlisle if he'd be willing to meet with me and Embry. Jake's coming too but if he's not comfortable we could easily take Jake out of it. You're idea was right and Jake was stupid to turn it down." I said
"I'm actually gonna see them later today. I could talk to him and call you with the news. You don't deserve this. You were protecting me even though i've done nothing but hurt your brother." She said looking at the floor
"Honestly i'd do it again. Nobody deserves to be killed by a vampire. You didn't mean to hurt Jake and honestly he needs to take the hint" I said
"Well Edward should be here any minute and I wouldn't want him being mean to Embry" Bella said
"yea no. I get it well be on our way. Thank you Bella" I said hugging her
"Anytime Nova" She said hugging back

It had been a day since I talked to Bella. I was so nervous cause she hadn't called. I was watching tv when Embry laid next to me. He looked at me worried
"baby you've been tense since yesterday. Relax everything will be okay" he said
"What if it's not Em. For the first time i'm terrified of what's gonna happen" I said
"Baby It's okay" he hugged me
I heard ringing on my phone it was Bella
"Hello" I said worried
"I just talked to the cullens. Everybody hated the idea besides Carlisle, Alice, and Esme. They said if anybody wolfs out they'll fight back. They said only you Embry and Jake though" Bella said
"I understand. When will we meet" I said nervously
"Carlisle said 10 am at his house" she replied
"Okay we'll be there" I said
"Okay, just remember they expect you not to wolf out at all" She said
"Im not worried about Embry I'm more worried about Jake cause of Edward" I said worried
"I know edward doesn't like him but I'll talk to Edward about him before you guys come over so they can at least not fight" Bella replied easing my anxiety about the meet up
"thank you Bella" I said
"Okay, I just want to let you know that this could still go wrong but hopefully things go okay" Bella said
"I hope it doesn't. We can't do this alone and I can't have them getting hurt" I said looking at Embry
"I understand I'll see you at 10 tomorrow" she said

The phone call had ended and I was sitting at the table with the pack. They all agreed about the idea and I made Jake promise not to wolf out. He knew if he did I would wolf out on him. He knew how important this was to me. I hope everything goes well. If it doesn't i'm leaving. I can't be here with the vampire around and if she follows me and kills me she'll leave the pack alone. I can't let them get hurt. The thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. I hate this so much. I'm so scared of what's gonna happen

Published february 12 2024

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