Chapter 5

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It had been 2 weeks and Sam has been helping me with my ability. I've gotten the hang of it so we eased up on the training. We were all in the woods when we heard Bella. We saw a vampire with her.
"Stay behind me Nova" Embry said
We all took off our clothes and turned. We started walking up when we heard
"I don't believe it"
Sam growled walking closer to Bella. We followed behind him. The vampire looked at us before running then Sam gave us the signal to go after him. He stopped and launched Sam into the air.
"Sam are you okay?!" I screamed
"I'm fine. Deal with him" he said
Embry jumped at him and the vampire threw him making whimper in pain. I stopped and used my focus for my powers. Soon my eyes started glowing and the ground started shaking. The vampire looked at me in fear. He jumped at me causing both of us to fly back. I got on top of him before he scratched my shoulder to my back leaving a gash. I cried out in pain and fell back. Embry jumped up and attacked him. He ripped his arm off and the boys ripped the rest of him apart limb from limb. I turned back and Sam threw a towel on me. I kept bleeding as I felt the stinging from my gash the boys turned back and Embry ran to me after putting his clothes on.
"Nova! I'm so sorry I shouldn't have let him get close to you!"
Soon I felt myself falling asleep and I hear Embry scream out my name. I fall into a deep sleep and the next thing I know I'm at Sam's house on the couch with the boys all around me and Embry sleeping on the floor next to me. I look around and see all the boys sleeping on the floors or couches. I try sitting up and wince in pain
"Nova lay down what do you need?"
I look at Embry before smiling
"I'm starving!"
he looks at Sam and Emily who are getting food ready. After my screaming the boys woke up and all came over to me. They seemed relieved.
"I'm so glad your okay kid" Paul said before kissing my head
"Hey! Don't kiss her!" Embry screamed
"Dude you're gonna have a bad ass scar along with your tattoos" Jared said
Jake came up and hugged me making me wince a little bit from my cut
"Hey watch it!" Embry screamed
"Someone's got a stick up his ass. She's my twin sister i'm pretty sure I could take care of her." Jake remarked cocky
"Yea? Where were you when the leech was attacking her. Oh that's right you were busy looking at your stupid leech loving girlfriend"
He had heat radiating off of him
"Em calm down please."
He looked at me and his eyes softened
"I'm sorry Nova. I just wanna make sure you're okay"
I looked into his eyes and realized
"Yea beautiful?"
"I'm your imprint aren't I?"
He looked at me like he just saw a ghost
"finally she figured it out!" Jared said
"you're hers too" Paul said
I focused and my eyes started glowing and I threw a muffin at Paul's head with my ability. Sam looked at me laughing
"What the hell?!" Paul screamed
"When I said you needed to focus to use your ability that's not what I meant" Sam said laughing
I turned to Embry who looked at me
"You wanna talk about it?" He said while rubbing the back of his neck
"Yea we could go outside just help me up" I said putting my arms out
"Are you sure you wanna get up? You do have a huge gash on your back"
"I'm fine. I'd rather talk about it without all these dorks around. Besides Sam and Emily they're okay"
"Hey!" Paul yelled
"Rude" Jared said
"Asshole!" Jake yelled

I got up and walked outside with Embry
"So i'm yours too?"
"yea. When did you find out i'm yours?"
"When I saw you one day outside with Jake and Bella. I couldn't be near you cause I didnt wanna hurt you but I would check up on you sometimes and one day after I changed I went to check on you and it happened. I kinda always felt different about you but after the change it became more clear what it was. How about you? When did you know"
"after I came inside with Emily when I changed. I hated you but my heart couldn't bear to be without you. I tried ignoring it but it physically hurt me."
"Yea when you walked out so felt the pain. It felt like someone was stabbing my heart"
"Yea. It was painful"
"I'm sorry so ever hurt you. I promise you it wasn't my intention but I didn't wanna be near you and not be able to control my wolf and end up hurting you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did. It would've killed me"
"I know seeing you get hurt today hurt me. Embry I wanted to rip his head off after he hurt you"
"You got hurt more than I did. All mine is a small sprain in my wrist"
"You protected me. Even though you were hurt you came to my rescue"
"Ima always be there no matter what"
We both looked into eachothers eyes and he leaned down and kissed me softly. I was taken aback at first but I kissed him back afterwards. I put my arms around his neck and he put his on my waist. We stopped for air and I hugged him.
"I love you Nova. I always have"
"I love you too Embry"
"Nova. Will you be my girlfriend?"
He kissed me again this time it wasn't soft. I deepened the kiss as he bit my lip
"Hey don't make out with my sister!"
"I'm making out with my girlfriend!"
Jake's face softened and he smiled
"Okay I approve but please if your gonna do that warn me"
"next time don't look stupid" I said shoving Jake playfully
he shoved me back and I ran inside
"Sam!!! Jake pushed me and i'm hurt"
"Bullshit she pushed me first"
Sam looked at him and smiled at me
"Jake be nice to her she's injured"
I looked at him and laughed with Sam

published February 5 2024

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