Chapter 10

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It's been a couple months since Harry's death. The boys were out patrolling. Even though my scars healed they wanted me to stay with Emily. It was 3 in the morning and Emily was asleep upstairs and I was down in the living room watching tv. Usually they do rounds but since the Cullens were back they Sam decided everyone would be patrolling. I was watching greys anatomy when I heard a branch break outside the house. I paused the tv and got up looking outside. I saw nothing. I called Embry.
"Baby is something wrong?"
"Babe someone's outside"
"What are you talking about?"
"I heard a branch break outside. And I keep smelling this god awful smell"
I heard Sam take the phone
"Nova what do you smell?"
"I smell sickly sweet and it burns my nose like bleach"
"Oh no. We need to get back to Emily's now!"
I heard a branch break again and this time I saw her. The red headed vampire
"Sam she's back. The one who killed Harry she's back"
I heard the phone hang up before I heard a howl. The vampire looked at me before running away. Why was she here? Emily came running down the stairs
"There's a vampire!"
"Em are you okay?"
"I saw her Nova!"
I hugged Emily as she calmed down. The vampire was staring at me. Me.

The boys soon came home and Embry quickly embraced me. Sam did the same to Emily who was still freaking out
"Is she gone" I asked scared
"yea we chased her off" Embry replied
"and got into it with the cullens" Jared said
"what the hell happened?" I yelled
"One of them came onto our territory so Paul here knocked him off" Quil said
I smacked Paul upside the head
"Your after the same Vampire genius. I understand they need to stay on their side but what if the cullens could've caught her. This would all be over now" I said yelling at all of the pack members
"Why was she here though?" sam asked
"I think she was looking for me" I said
"What?! Why would she want you?!" Embry yelled before pulling my arm
"I don't know" I said

I had hardly slept but Jake and I decided to go see Bella. I wanted answers. I was the only pack member who didn't mind the cullens cause I know they aren't bad people. We stopped by Bella's school where we saw her and Edward.
"Hey" bella said walking towards us
"Charlie said you left town." Jake replied
"yea to visit my mom. Why?" she asked Jake
"He's checking to see if your still human" Edward said with a attitude
"Look i'm here to warn you." Jake said
I looked at him angrily
"If your kind come on our land again..." he said before I cut him off
"Jake shut up!" I yelled
"wait what?" Bella asked
I looked at Edward confused
"You didn't tell her?" I said
"You didn't tell her?" jacob said again
"Just leave it alone Jacob" Edward replied shaking his head
"Tell me what?" Bella asked
"Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding. It's nothing to worry about." he said dismissively
"That's not all" I said
"Listen to you. Did you lie to get her out of town too?" Jake said
"You should just leave" Edward said coming up to Jake "now"
I shoved him back and said "hey!"
"she has a right to know" I said
"She's the one the redhead wants" Jake said looking into Edward's eyes
"So is Nova" Edward said
My eyes widened and I felt sick
"Victoria?" Bella asked
"she wants me?" I asked
"alice's vision." Bella scoffed
"I was trying to protect you" Edward said before he looked at me
"By lying to me?!" Bella yelled
"I need you to explain Edward" I said
"okay we're gonna talk about this but.."
She started talking to Jake but I was talking to Edward
"Why does she want me?" I asked
"She saw how powerful you are with your telekinesis" he replied before pulling Bella back

Bella and us rode back to Emily's house. I was so confused cause Edward gave me a one sentence answer. We finally got to Emily's house and the boys came out
"are you sure this is a good idea? I am the vampire girl remember" Bella said
"Hey looks who back!" Jared said
"my girlfriend!" Embry said picking me up and kissing me softly
"what's up bella" Quil said
"Quil you too?" Bella asked
"Yep" Quil said
"He finally made the pack" I said
"I'm glad your here bella" Embry said
"Yea maybe you could help me" I said
"and maybe we could get a break from Jake's obsessive inner monologue." Embry teased before I whacked him. He picked me up and kissed me. They were teasing Jake but I was too busy in my thoughts until Leah came and grabbed me. She hugged me while bumping bella to get to me. I looked at her
"Bella this is Leah Clearwater" Jake said
"Harry's daughter" I said
"Hey i'm really sorry about your father" Bella said giving Leah a smile
"If your here to torture Jacob some more feel free to leave" she said coldly
She walked away before phasing
"Fun isn't she" Jake said sarcastically
"She's not good with new people" I said before giving Bella a nudge
"so like you" Paul said
Sam and Emily came out the house
"Bella hi!" Emily said
"Hey" Bella replied
"I was wondering when we'd see your face around here again." Emily smiled and hugged Bella
"yea same here." Bella replied
"Sam we good?" Jake asked
"We're good. She won't be getting through on our line any time soon" Sam replied
I looked at Bella she looked at me
"Hey can we talk about something?" I asked before walking away
"Yea sure let's take a walk" she replied
We took a walk away from the house
"Edward said she's after me?" i asked
"Yea. Alice said she saw you use your powers against Laraunt when he attacked me in the woods. She sees how strong you are and wants to turn you" she said
"That doesn't mean i'll be on her side" I said looking at the house
"You wouldn't have a choice. If she turned you you'd follow her." She said
"So like a aplha" I asked
"Yea pretty much" she said

Published February 10 2024

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