Chapter 22

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I woke up this morning to Alice barging into my room. I looked up at her
"it's you're birthday we're having a family dinner outside today" Alice smiled
"Dude I don't age anymore I don't think birthday celebrations are necessary" I said looking at her and Rosie
"cmon Nov we could get cute and take pictures please" Rosalie begged
"Ali we really don't have to" I said
"Nonsense. I'm doing you're nails right now whether you like it or not" Alice said pulling me to my table
"Here's you're breakfast Nov" Rosalie said handing me some avocado toast and a green smoothie
"Thanks Rosie" I said

after we finished my nails they made me get ready and take a shower. When I got out Alice did my makeup while Rose did my hair. I haven't seen the rest of the Cullens now that I think about it. After they were done they picked out a dress and Alice picked out heels and smiled
"yea no." I said grabbing the heels
I switched them out for some af1s and put them on my feet as Alice sighed. I started putting on my jewelry and realized my ring was missing. Where is it I just had it
"You guys haven't seen my ring?" I said
"What ring?" Alice asked
"my engagement ring?!" I said worried
"Maybe it's somewhere in the room" Rosalie said trying to calm me down
"We can't waste too much time looking. Carlisle has a small surprise for you and we can't be late" Alice said
"Please!" I begged
"we'll look for 15 minutes" Rose said
"if we can't find it we'll go downstairs and get the dinner finished and come back up here and find it" Alice said
"okay" I said
we looked for 15 minutes and couldn't find it. I paced around the room and felt like crying. It was the last thing I had of Embry and he hated me now. I can't believe I lost my ring. I took a deep breath and calmed down. I didn't wanna ruin Carlisle's plans for my birthday by being sad.
"I'm sorry babe" Rose said
"we'll find it" Alice added
"yea. Let's go" I said
"Before we go you have to put this on" Alice said holding up a blindfold
I put it on and we walked downstairs. I heard music playing from outside and started getting confused. We stopped by the door I assumed and Alice turned me around before taking my blindfold off
"okay before you turn around I just wanna say this was not my idea" She said
I looked at her confused and turned around. I stopped breathing when I saw who was in front of me.
"Embry?" I said tearing up
"You look beautiful" He said
I looked around and saw my pack besides Leah and Jake. I smiled at the Cullens
"You did all this?" I looked at Carlisle
"I had help from your siblings but you deserve to be happy and I know they make you happy. You've been miserable without them and during the wedding you showed me you were ready to be around them again" Carlisle said
I turned and looked at Embry and he grabbed my hand softly
"I know i'm the last person you need to see right now. I originally proposed to someone different than who you are now. I know I haven't been the best fiancé. I'm so sorry princess but I was processing it and didn't realize you just needed me to be there for you. I didn't mean to hurt you I just hated not being able to see you and hearing your voice hurt so much cause I couldn't hold you or kiss you. I know it looked bad when we last saw eachother but I was taken aback from how different you look. You're hand was cold and it freaked me out but I should've never ran away cause you didn't when you could've. I know turning was the only choice or else we would've lost you and it took me so long to realized something. The outside of you might've changed but what matters is who you are in your heart. You're still the same Nova I was in love with and yea you're different but that just means I need to adjust cause i'm not going anywhere anymore and i'm so sorry it took me so long to come back. I asked for you to marry me but your different now so i'm asking the new you." He said
He got on one knee and pulled out my missing ring and held it up
"Nova Black will you make me happy again and continue to be my fiancé and soon be my wife?" He said looking at my eyes deeply
"It's always been the same answer. Yes I would love to be your wife" I said
He kissed me. It was something I had been craving for so long and now I had him back. He pulled me to the middle of the backyard and looked at Alice who pressed her phone and Evangeline from princess and the frog started playing.
"You're my Evangeline and i'm never letting you go again" He said
We started dancing and he was singing to me softly as I laid on his shoulder. I never wanted this moment to end.

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