43. Keep On The Tracks

Start from the beginning

Lillian regretted wearing overalls all those days ago as the breeze blew part her, shivers running throughout her body.

"You want another jacket?" Michonne offered as she had seen Lillian shiver.

"Yes, please." Lillian gave her a small nod. Michonne rummaged through one of the bags to get another jacket, which Lillian laid over her lap.

"How hungry are you guys, scale of one to 10?" Rick asked them.

"15." Carl answered.

"438." Lillian shrugged as she looked at the fire. Everyone looked at her amused.

"28." Michonne now answered.

"Yeah. Well, it's been a while." Rick told them as he finished pouring whatever was in the cans into different ones, then stood up.

"Can I go with you?" Carl asked Rick.

Rick gave him a smile as he huffed. "Well, how else are you gonna learn?"

"Me too?" Lillian asked hopefully as she looked up at Rick. Rick gave her a nod. Lillian stood up excitedly and then helped Carl put out the fire by kicking dirt on it.

"Hey, you too." Rick said to Michonne as well. So all four of them made their way out of their small camp, ducking underneath the trigger wire.

Lillian followed right next to Carl as she held out her bag towards him. "Can you hold this for a sec?" He took it from her as moved to slip on the jacket that she had lying on her lap and then grabbed the backpack back.

"We'll stay another day or two. Get some more rest." Rick told them. Lillian felt another shiver run down her legs as she shoved her hands into the jacket pockets.

"Finish healing up?" Michonne suggested.

"I'm almost there." Rick assured her.

"We're close now, right?" Carl asked his dad.

"To Terminus?"


"We are." Rick answered. Lillian was nervous about Terminus. She hoped that if it was still up and running, that it would be filled with nice people. Not people like Edward. If Lillian didn't miss anything, it was that grumpy old man.

"When we get there," Carl started. "are we gonna tell them?" Lillian furrowed her eyebrows at the question.

"Tell them what?" Michonne butted in, asking the question that Lillian was thinking.

"Everything that's happened to us. All the stuff we've done." Carl explained to Michonne before he turned back to Rick. "Are we gonna tell them the truth?"

"Do we need to?" Lillian spoke up. Her question sounded aggressive but her tone was genuine. Everyone was quiet, thinking about the question.

"We're gonna tell them who we are." Rick answered.

"But how do you say that? I mean..." Carl trailed off. "who are we?" Lillian couldn't help but snicker st the question.

Suddenly a walker started stumbling towards them, growling causing them all to stop. Everyone took out their weapons with Michonne in lead as she took out her sword. Lillian stayed in the back as she didn't have a gun or a sword. Just a pocket knife, which wouldn't help very much considering her height. Michonne sliced the walker's hand off, causing Lillian to look away. She didn't like the blood splatter much. They continued to find the snares and when they finally did, they had a catch.

"There we go." Rick said excitedly, as he quickly stepped to the snare. Carl ran up beside him, whereas Lillian followed Michonne to the other side of the snare. "It's a small one. It'll do." Rick told them as he grabbed the rabbit that got caught.

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