31. Attacked

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Lillian slept for longer than anyone could imagine. They were not surprised by finding her in what used to be Daryl's bed with some of his unimportant stuff around it. They all made sure to quietly walk around her, to keep their voices down for the most part. Of course, this was hard for Judith to do causing Lillian to stir a couple of times but only made her sleep longer. Hershel checked up on her once to make sure she was still breathing but she went right back to sleep.

Word had gotten around the group about how Lillian was acting weird. Glenn brought up his conversation with her, Carol brought up hers too. Maggie realized how weird the governor had been towards Lillian and it made her kind of connect the dots, so she told them what she thought. It made Carol tear up while Glenn only got angrier knowing what had happened between the governor and Maggie. Colton and Carl weren't supposed to be involved but the other's had no choice once they heard it was about Lillian.

Everyone was quiet, really shocked and didn't know what to say about it. Beth suggested that they should talk to her about it but Maggie, on Lillian's behalf, told people to leave it until she wanted to talk about it. She said this while glaring at Glenn.

Colton had been waiting anxiously for Lillian to get up. Carl not so much as he continued guard the prison. Colton was by his side but he was pacing and huffed every so often.

When Lillian finally did wake up it was by the loud gun shots that rang out side of the building. She quickly sat up, her eyes wide and breathing labored as she quickly looked around. She heard the faint whining of Judith but nothing else.

"Hello?" She called out as she quickly put on her shoes and stood up. "Anyone inside?" She quickly made her way down the stairs, peaking around quickly but noticing that nobody was inside.

She figured that's why there was so much gunfire outside, they were probably being attacked? She didn't know but she did know that there was a crying baby. Lillian rushed into the cell that Judith was laid in, in his bassinet. By the time Lillian had gotten to her, she was basically full on crying.

Lillian tried petting Judith's head as she begged the baby to stop crying but when that didn't work, she reached into the basket and moved her hands underneath the baby. She remembered what Beth said, hold her head. She had to be careful to not hurt the baby, so she carefully picked up Judith and held her up to her chest with one of her hands holding the baby's head and her other arm holding Judith to her. She was definitely heavy, Lillian thought. She wouldn't be able to hold her like this for very long.

Gunshot continued to ring as Lillian found the most isolated yet safe place to hid with Judith while staying on the bottom floor. She made it to the farthest cell from the entrance and sat on the floor carefully, as she still held the fussing Judith to her chest.

"Shhhh. It's okay. It's okay." Lillian cooed as she rubbed her thumb against Judith's head. She remembered seeing Beth kind of rock her so that's what Lillian did. While trying to calm Judith down, it distracted Lillian but also helped her calm down as she rocked them back and forth. Judith calmed by the gesture, not making as much panicked noise as she was.

She hoped everyone was okay. She had to keep reminding herself that she was doing a very important job. She was protecting the baby. She wanted to walk out and help with whatever was going on. But she didn't. For once she wasn't just being a little kid, she was protecting one. She worried for her group though. She worried that the Governor was gonna be the one to walk through the gates instead of her group. All she could do was hope that it didn't turn out like that and to protect Judith.

The gunshots soon slowed and then stopped as a whole. The prison gate had a loud opening which echoed through the empty prison.

"Lilli! Lillian?" Lillian heard Maggie call out.

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