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I pull on my favorite black turtleneck sweater, its soft fabric hugging my frame as I zip up my woollen jacket for added warmth. The sleekness of the black slacks completes the ensemble, giving me a sense of confidence as I prepare for the lunch. The turtleneck rises snugly around my neck, providing a subtle elegance, while the jacket's texture adds a touch of rugged sophistication.

I ruffle my hair up with a little gel, giving it a subtlely rugged look then, I take my phone from its charging holster and slip it into my pocket.

As soon as I get downstairs, Mya's cheerful singing fills my ears.

"I got you, moonlight, you're my starlight
I need you all night, come on, dance with me
I'm levitating"  She sings then fills a glass with water, bringing it to her lips.

Her hair is styled in loose waves, cascading gracefully over her shoulders. She wears a floral print sundress that sways with her movements, exuding a carefree charm. A delicate gold necklace adorns her neck, catching the light as she twirls around the kitchen, lost in her own melody. Her infectious energy brightens the room, setting the perfect mood for the lunch ahead.

"You seem cheery." I remark when I enter the kitchen. She gets startled for a moment but instantly recovers.
"Gotten over your hangover?" I ask and she places the glass in the dishwasher.

"Hm..I won't say over it. My head still hurts but no photophobia." She smiles.

She has a really beautiful smile.

"You look good." She compliments and sits on one of the stools by the kitchen island.
"Thank you?" I respond and she giggles.

I guess I'm not used to receiving compliments.

My phone rings as soon as I open my mouth to make a remark.

"Excuse me." I raise my index at her and she nods. I walk out if the kitchen before picking up the call.

"What is it, Everett?" I growl as soon as I hear his voice.

His voice comes out hastened and breathless.

"It's like a warfront here man!" He shouts into the phone and I can hear gunshots in the background, "It's Venetio, I guess he found out what he did to one of his men." He breathes and I ball my fists.

"What do you mean?" I ask angrily.

"There's blood everywhere and the hospital in the base is under pressure. You have to get here man." He yells and the gunshots get louder.

"Can't. I have somewhere to be, handle it. I'll be over in an hour or two." I tell him and cut the call.

I walk back to the kitchen and find Mya fiddling with one of the straps on he wedge sandals.
She looks at me and it seems to be a sparkle in her eye but it dies instantly.

"Let's go?"She asks and I nod. She gets up and I extend my hand for her to hold but she shakes her head and whispers "No need. Save it for Lisa.", Then walks away.

The one time I try to be nice to her.

The drive to the restaurant is mostly silent. Mya keeps humming while staring at her phone and I'm pretty certain she's talking to that Ezra Levant.

It's just urks me to know that she talks to him. He seems alright..but not in my book.

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