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I fluff my pillow a bit before placing my head on it again.

"Come back! Please wake up." I hear Mya scream from the other room.


I bolt out of the guest room and when I get to my room,she hugging her knees and crying.
She keeps shaking her head while crying and she keeps muttering some words.

"Mya?" I call out and she snaps to look at me.

"I didn't kill her. She fell off. Please believe me." She whispers.

Her hair is messy and her eyes are dilated,giving her a crazy and distraught look.

"What? What are talking about?" I ask in confusion.
She shakes her hair and plops back onto the pillow and within minutes,she's gone.


I wake up in a strange but warm bed. This is the first time I've had such a peaceful rest in a long time.

Memories of last night start floodingy mind and I begin to panic.

What if he knows?

Suddenly,I feel the other side of the mattress lift and before I know it,I'm on my face,flat on the wooden floor.

"Good morning,now get off my bed." Cairus says smugly.

I look at him from head to toe and try to hide my face in my hoodie when a blush creeps.

I push those thoughts away and remember why I'm angry at him.

An evil idea creeps into my head and I instantly get, dash into his closet then walk out with a crisp white office shirt in my hand.

"Breakfast will be ready soon." I say sarcastically with a wink and then I walk out of his room.

(⁠*⁠ ̄⁠(⁠エ⁠)⁠ ̄⁠*⁠)

I don't know why I did what I did but it was fun to see that expression on her face.

I hear some pans hitting together downstairs and it's then I realise she took my shirt when she she was going downstairs.

"Shit." I curse and run downstairs.

When I get downstairs,her clothes from last night is thrown all over the floor leading to the kitchen.

"Oh hi..I was making breakfast." She says and turns to face me.

The shirt she took out of my closet is a mess. It has ketchup stains all over it and she seems to be adding more to it.

"Oh sorry,is this your shirt? I didn't notice." She says with a devilishly cute smile, exposing her dimples.

"Why would you do that?" I ask and I feel a sudden anger take over my system. I want to grab her by her neck and squeeze the life out of her but I won't hear the end of it if I do so.

"You should've thought if asking this question when you pushed me off of your bed." She huffs and folds her arms over her chest.
I bite my cheek to stop myself from laughing.

"Anyways,just sit,it'll be ready in a few minutes." She points at to the dining room and I want to fight her on that but I resist the urge when I see how happily she's stirring the whatever she's cooking on the stove.

"Weren't you limping last night?" I ask. She ignores me and tosses a plate infront of me.

"Thank you?" I ask her and I can see the clear shock in her eyes.
"You don't know how to say thank you?" She asks me and I stupidly nod.

"I'm not shocked." She says and sits on the floor.


"Why are you sitting on the floor?" I ask when she starts eating.
She shrugs and quietly munches on her food.
"Sit with me." I can sense her reluctance but she stands up with her plate and sits opposite me.

"The food is terrible." I know I'm lying but I just want to flare up the fire in her.

She hums and with a dimpled smile,she gets up,takes my plate,walks to the trash bin and dumps the food into it.

"Since it's terrible,don't eat it." She says and tosses the plate into the sink.

"I'm going." She takes her plate and walks out of the dining room.
I smile to myself and I brace myself for what might happen next.

Just then,I hear her scream and as if on cue,I walk out of the dining room and towards where she is.

"The houses are so tiny." She exclaims.

"Yea,that's because we're re like a thousand feet above ground. It's no big deal." I say nonchalantly and she looks at me as if I just confessed a murder.

"It's not just nothing. It's so high and why would you have glass windows?" She babbles and I just laugh,I mean laugh,at her.

All fun is ruined when Lisa enters the house in her skimpiest attire.

"Hi baby, I missed you,did you miss me?" She asks and tiptoes to kiss my cheek.

What the hell?

Becoming Mrs Ashbourneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن