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Mother says I'm a bad girl. And that's why she's locked me inside here.

My favourite toys aren't here. No Barbie doll. No Beanie. No nothing.

"Please open the door." I whisper with my tiny voice. I wish I had a bigger voice. That way when I go to school,I could shout the correct answer and Miss Arin would tell me I'm a good girl and I'll smile.

"Please,there's a huge spider in here and it's hot in here. Please open the door." My tiny fists pound on the door and I refuse to cry.

No, Lucy's angel said no tears.

'be strong' she tells me every night.

"Please help mommy get me out of here." I whisper before succumbing to the heat on the room.

A light flashes on my face and I begin to hear voices.

"She'll be useful one day. Don't let her die." I hear father before my body is carried onto a gurney.

         Present day.

My fist connects with the stupid ass' face and I don't really care when it hits.

"Shit man,what'd I do to you?" The bastard asks when he manages to free himself.
He's lucky I left my gun at home.

"You touched what's mine!" I shout and he doesn't seem the least bit scared.

He doesn't know who he's messing with.

"Trust me buddy,if you knew who you were talking to,you'd grovel on your knees." I say and he snickers and wipes the blood oozing from his nose.

"Yeah,whatever man. I have a shift to attend. Fuck you." He says and that does it.
I grab him by his hair and slam him to the wall.

"What the hell!" He shouts and manages to throw a punch. It lands on my jaw and I let go of his hair.

"Shit!" I groan and hold my jaw. It hurts. Just a bit but it still hurts.

"Dude,leave that place immediately." Everett says into my wireless earpiece.

I understand why he's saying that and I leave the idiot without complaining.

(.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.)

"Why?!" I cry and yell at the same time as mother berates me.

"You good for nothing selfish whore!" She yells and I try to hold myself back but the tears keep rolling down my face.

"You're so stupid and you couldn't even control yourself. Why did God curse me with such a child?" She says and places her hand in her forehead.

"I didn't ask to be born into this family. Yapmadım! Ve Lucy'nin ölmesi benim suçum değil, beni suçlamayı bırak!" I yell in Turkish and I storm out of the hall and into my room.

I hug my knees and cry till my eyes burn. The pain makes me happy.

"Good job,Mya." Miss Arin's voice rings  in my head. That's the only thing that has been keeping me sane. Keeping me alright and making me strong enough to wake up to face the next day.
That's the one that,those two words are the only things that make me feel content with this world.

I take off the itchy gown but I keep on the glasses and change into a simpler outfit.

Sweats and a hoodie. My go to outfit.

I slide on bathroom slippers and open my window.
The wind is a little bit chilly and it smells of rain. I like it.

I hop onto the ground and walk away from my parents' house.
The farther I get,the happier I'll be.

It's a good thing I memorized the name of the restaurant. At least I made a new friend.

I walk into the restaurant and I feel everyone's attention on me.
I know I'm underdressed but I couldn't care less.

I adjust my shades and find a seat,faraway from the crowd.

My server walks forward and I'm happy to know it's the same person that served me during lunch.

"Ethan." I exclaim a little too quickly. He quirks his eyebrows with a scowl and it's them that I realise his bruises.

"It's Ezra,and please don't mention my name again. Before your psychotic boyfriend beats me up again!" He says and places a menu before me.

"He's not my boyfriend and what do you mean?" I ask him without even opening my menu list.

"After your brunch,he punched me for no reason. And he was like 'dont touch what's mine'. I'll be honest Mya,you deserve better than that douche." He says and I laugh. Actually laugh.

"You have beautiful dimples." He says and I blush.
"Thank you." I say before playfully switching to a serious tone.

"Aren't you supposed to serve me,what insolence!" I say in my strongest pish-posh accent.
He chuckles and takes my menu list after I place my order.

Fifteen minutes later,he's clocked out and we're outside the restaurant.
"It was great meeting you..again." He says and hugs me.

"You too." I say when suddenly,I feel a strong and oppressing presence behind me.

Becoming Mrs AshbourneWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt