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"I tried to ask her where she went and she tried to kill me!" Mother points accusingly at me.

I'm the victim here and I'm not even crying.

"That's a lie!" I shout and Father glares at me. I shut my mouth instantly.

"After whoring around,you try to kill your mother,have you no morals?" He sneers and I roll my eyes. I feel like I should be more respectful to the both of them but after all they've done to me,I feel nothing.

"I didn't sleep with him! I don't know where he's been. I swear I would never touch him." I fold my hands over my chest and look away from them.

They disgust me. They really do.

"We'll deal with this later. The Ashbournes have invited us to another meeting. Get ready,we leave in two hours." Father tells me and walks towards his office without even looking at my mother.


I scoff and wipe away angry tears. Why do I have to agree to every nonsense they decide to do to me?

Why do I allow them to control my life as if I'm their puppet?

Mother handed me a dress a couple of minutes ago as I look at it right now,I realise that all the clothes Mother hands me are either skimpy or too revealing.

"Mya,hurry up with the dressing. We know you wouldn't look half as good as Lucy would've if she were to be alive."

Mother shouts from downstairs and I bite back tears. I've heard these things so much that I'm literally used to it.

I put the dress on my bed and proceed to wash up in the bathroom.
After that,I blow dry my hair and and tie it before putting on the dress.

I stand in front of the mirror, adjusting the tight black dress that hugs my chest, emphasizing my curves. It's shorter than I usually wear, the hem barely reaching mid-thigh, but I don't mind the way it showcases my legs. As I walk, the fabric moves with me, drawing attention to my presence, a silent declaration of my self-assuredness.

"It's too short." Mother snidely comments when I make my way downstairs.

"It's yours." I retort and she shuts up.

"No time for your incessant squabbles, we're already late as it is." Father says and gets out of the living room with the both of us following behind him.


"It's a waste of time to get together again. Wedding's in Sicily,we get it." I groan angrily and Everett just rolls his eyes.

"At least,I was invited this time." He jokes and the chauffeur pulls up in front of this huge restaurant.

"Man,I'm starving." He says when we get out of the car.

"You're always hungry." I laugh and we enter the restaurant.

'La Galette' is a huge restaurant owned by my uncle and it's the same place this meeting is being held.

Of course, they're late. Again.

"Dude,check it out." Everett nudges me and points at a brunette in a pant suit.
"Yeah? What's wrong with her?" I ask him and he shakes his head while laughing.

"It's about time they showed up don't you think son?" Father tries to break the ice that seems to have enveloped all of us.

"Yes,but why is another meeting being held?" I ask him to share my clear confusion.
"I think you know." He says when suddenly,the Gardiners enter the restaurant.

Their daughter is the first person to catch my eye. Her dress is short and it barely covers her thighs.

"It's great to see you again." Her mother smiles at me but I don't return the gesture and I'm sure she realises it.

"You too." I respond shortly before looking back at Mya.
She sizes me up before looking away and I can see the brooding anger behind those her beautiful eyes.

"Gardiner",father begins. "If I do recall,we had a little conversation last night...regarding the wedding plans. And due to our little curb.." he stops and looks at Mya and I. "I suggest we form this alliance post haste. And with that being said,isn't it time the two of them moved in together?" He quirks an eyebrow at Mya and I.



Hi guys,as you can see,I changed the title and cover cause I feel like it works better like this.

Becoming Mrs AshbourneWhere stories live. Discover now