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"She's still here. My baby isn't dead." Mother says in a denying tone.
"She's alive and well. She's asleep. She'll wake up." She whispers and hugs her cremated remains tightly.

"Momma,please...I'm...I'm..hungry." I try to beg her. It's been a week since the funeral and all she has fed me was a measly piece of bread.

"Get out of my site! Out! You fucking witch. You kill my daughter,my precious angel and you dare to tell me you're hungry!" She yells as tears stream my face.

She angrily drags me to the broom closet and throws me in there before locking the door,leaving me in the darkness.

             Present day.

I was never a happy child. I didn't have that loving family that would advice me, laugh with me. The only time they would laugh or smile at me was when they were doing it at me.

I'm pretty sure I'm never going to be happy.

"May I enter?" I knock on my father's office door.

"Yes." He says sternly and I enter.

The room is dimly lit and the only source of bright light was from the slightly opened curtains.

"Sit." He says and I do, carefully trying not to irritate the welts at my back.

"Please hear me out." I whisper and begin counting the rosary necklace I always keep with me.
I got it from a friend when I was still in school.

"What do you have to say that I haven't already thought of as a lie?" He says hurtfully and I bite back the tears.

"I know you're hurt because you think I killed Lucy...I didn't. She fell off the balcony and..and you people won't let me breath. I understand you're hurt but I won't let you force your wishes for Lucy on me..." I tell him while still counting the rosary necklace.

"You have a lot of nerves,you know that?" He chuckles coldly. A shudder runs through me spine as I know what might happen next.

He gets off his seat in a composed manner and just as I thought he was leaving,he grabbed my neck tightly, cutting all supply of air to my lungs.

"I'll always say this,since you killed her,you'll pay with your life. Everything about you is my property. You understand you bitch?! Your mind,your soul. I am free to do as I please with it. So take it as a form of liberty we are allowing you to enjoy and stop running your mouth." He says before releasing my throat. I cough violently and my neck burns painfully.

Tears sting my eyes and before I know it,I'm bawling my eyes out right there in his office.

He smirks at me while twirling a lighter in his hand.

"Get out." He says before lighting his cigarette.


Lisa jumps in my bed and I just look at her with amusement.

How can girl as beautiful as her be so stupid?

It sometimes amuses me how we are together. Oh yeah,her parents and mine are friends.

"I'm bored of this city,let's visit somewhere." She says and climbs my legs,before resting on my groin. I groan and look at her and she looks at me with pure lust.

"Where would you like to go?" I ask her before flipping us,placing me on top,and she,at the bottom.

"Maybe,LA or somewhere." She smiles.

"Sure." I tell her before kissing her.

"Wake up!"Mother yells and pours a pail of cold water on me. I gasp for air when the cold water hits my face.

It soaks my face as well as my sheets.

"It's so cold." I cry and she just chuckles before leaving.

Becoming Mrs AshbourneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz