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"I won't go!" I yell when mother grabs my wrist and tries to drag me out of the museum washroom. This place is much interesting than the rocks and fossils outside.

"Don't make this harder than it is Mya!" She warns and pulls my hand extremely hard.

"Ow!Ow! My shoulder!" I cry when I feel the bone shift. She rolls her eyes and calls me out for my 'over exaggeration."

I whimper tearily throughout the walk and back.

"Get her to a hospital or something. I can't keep hearing her cry." Father says.

That's the day I learned to shut my mouth even when I'm in pain.

                                 Present day

"What the fuck?"  Ezra exclaims from the front door.

"Ezra?" I place the tray down and run towards the door. I curse silently when I put pressure on my foot.

"Where is she?" Cairus questions with urgent demand.

"She's not yours to control man." Ezra stands up to him.

I quicken my pace in order to get there before they rip eachother's heads off.

Ezra's face is still bruised but it's gone down a bit.

"What's going on here?" I demand when I get there. As soon as Cairus makes eye contact with me,he brushes past Ezra and walks towards me.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asks as if he cares.

I shrug his hands off and roll my eyes as I fold my hands to my chest.

"Don't touch me." I sneer scornfully. No one makes a fool out of me and gets away with it.
I won't let this gloriously handsome devil tell me what to do. No matter how... beautiful...his eyes are.

What am I thinking?

"What?" He's shocked. I like it.

"Get out man." Ezra points at the door and Cairus shoots him a glare before looking back at me.

"Can we talk about this? Outside?" He asks and tries to grab my hand again.
I move when he does so but he's quick to regain his composure.

"There's nothing to talk about...please leave." I say coldly without looking him in the eye.

"Mya.." he mentions my name but I stand my ground. I hate to admit it but it still hurts. From how he addressed me to how he behaved, everything hurt.

"I can't handle this,I'm going inside." I say to no one in particular and turn around.
I feel footsteps pad into the apartment and I don't have to turn before I know it's him.

"I'm not going to leave with you. And you can't force me."

I know it's wrong to trust someone I just met and I know it's wrong not to hear him out but there's nothing I can do at this point.

"Mya,just listen to me!" I can hear the growing anger in his voice and before I know it,I'm being dragged outside by the hand.


The douche doesn't follow us outside and I'm glad he didn't.
How can she be dressed like this in the presence of a fellow male?

Her legs are out on full display and I try to pry my eyes away. The skin from her thigh to her ankle is tan and has a soft glow to it.

"You have five minutes." She folds her arms over her chest and repeatedly taps her foot on the ground.

"The girl you saw was my girlfriend-" I begin and she turns to walk away.

"Wait..wait wait." I hold her hand. "She is,but at the same time she's not." I'm not helping my case. And why should I even be explaining myself to this imp?

"Three minutes.." She indicates the three with her fingers.

"I wasn't comfortable with how I treated you and I hope you can contain my attitude." I say,I know I don't want to apologize because I did no wrong. And I know that if I apologize,it won't be an honest one. So this is the best I can do.

"Is that how you apologize?" She asks me and before I can grasp onto her,she walks past me and straight towards the apartment.


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