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My gloved hands keep hitting at the punching bag and each hit gets harder.

That fucking bastard.

The chain that connects the bag to the ceiling keeps shaking with every punch yet it doesn't give me the relieve I need.

I take off the gloves, tossing turn across the gym turn I stride out of the gym. I make my way downstairs, where all our captives are kept.

Rapists, arsonists, liars, traitors, traffickers, et cetera, we keep them all downstairs, gifting them a slow and painful death.

I walk towards one of the steel metal doors and give a retina scanning. Instantly, the door opens and the pungent odour that hits my face causes me to stumble back a bit.
I dip my hand into my pocket and take out a small bottle of sanitizer. I drop a dollop of it into my palm and rub it on the skin between my nose and upper lip.

The man bound to the ceiling by chains has his head hang low and his clothes drenched with sweat. His coat is torn at the seams and his shirt is dirty from the struggle earlier.

"Jackson" I mention his name menacingly and I can the literal fear in his eyes when he raises his head. I smirk and walk towards him. His unsteady heartbeat and haggard breath are the only things I hear when I get closer to him.

"Are you happy with what you did to that little girl?" I ask and take out a pocket knife.
His eyes turn the size of saucers when he sees the knife and begins to hyperventilate.

"You know, that's exactly how she sounded when we rushed her to the ER." I say with all seriousness.

Jackson was one of my soldiers. The best I'd ever hired. Until he decided to do some stupid shit.
Raping the daughter of one of the maids.

"B-Boss....please spare my life. I'll repay in any form just spare my life." He begs.
"Jackson....did you think of how she felt when you did that?! She was fourteen for fuck sakes!" I yell angrily.

I may be into a lot of things, but one thing I don't accept is rape.

"I know.....I didn't know what came over me." He eyes the knife I keep twiddling between my fingers.
"Yeah, well say hi to Cleo when you meet her." I say and he immediately understand what I mean.

He begins to shout with the little strength he has left and I roll my eyes before putting in my ear muffs .

I take a gun then, place a  single bullet in it and face him with a smirk.

"Jackson, let's play a game, Russian roulette. I ask a question, you lie, I pull the trigger but if you tell the truth I let you go." I explain and he nods.

"Jackson, aren't you married?" I ask him and he keeps silent for a while before responding.
"I don't repeat myself. Aren't you married?" I ask and still keeps quiet.

I aim for his shoulder and I pull the trigger. He shouts and begins to talk.
"Yes! Yes! I'm married!" He shakes in his restraints.

Anger takes over me and I keep pulling the trigger at his knee until I hear a gunshot. He yells painfully

"We're not done." I yell and walk out of the room.

I need to freshen up before going upstairs.


The elevator dings and comes to a stop. I get out of it and make my way into the penthouse apartment.

All the curtains are drawn together, making the living room dark.

"You're back?" I hear a tiny voice erupt from the couch.
Mya turns and the blanket covering her whole body shifts.

"What's wrong?" I ask her and she squints her eyes at me.

"Hangover." She croaks then yawns. She's probably still tired, considering the time she went to sleep.
"Did....did you wait for me last night?" I asks her and she nods then shoves a handful of cheese puffs into her mouth.

"Yeah. I got bored and decided to have a drink....well a whole bottle then." She smiles nervously and I walk closer to her, perching myself in the space beside her.
She flinches but doesn't shift away.

"Like I said in the morning, get ready. I'll be taking you out for lunch." I tell her and she swallows the mushed up cheese puffs in her mouth.

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