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           Ten years ago
I cover myself with my tiny blanket to shield myself from the rain and thunder.
My older sister,Lucy,laughs and teases me when I cover my eyes.

"Don't be such a baby. It's only a little rain." She laughs and opens the door leading to the balcony of our bedroom.

"L-Lus,I don't th-think that's s-safe." I say and follow behind her. She flips her golden brown hair and looks at me before walking closer to the table on the balcony.

"Come on Mya, there's nothing to be afraid of." She smirks and balances on the wobbly table.

"I don't think it's safe Lucy." I ponder and she rolls her eyes.

"Whimp." She teases when suddenly she slips over the table.

"Lucy!" I yell and run towards her.

She's balancing off the balcony with only her hand and I try my best to help her up.

"Momma,Daddy! Lucy's in trouble." I yell between tears.

*Slump* Is all I hear and a broken and mangled body is all I see.

        Present day.

"Lucy!" I scream breathlessly when I wake up. My hair is sticky with sweat and matted to my skin. My shirt is wet and it also sticks to my skin.

"I won't have her in my house eating and sleeping for free." I hear my mother tell my father when I descend the stairs leading to the living room. I roll my eyes and walk away as quickly as I can before I'm spotted by one of them.

"Mya Nichole Gardiner." My father says sternly and I turn to face him.
"Father?" I respond. My voice more questioning than respectful.
My parents have hated me since Lucy's death and they think I killed her because of her uniqueness and beauty.

"It's ten in the morning. Why are you now awake?" He folds him arm across his chest and I look at my black painted feet.

"I was tired. So I slept in." I say,tears pooling undery eyes.

My mother scoffs and looks at me with scorn and hate. I'm not shocked.

"She was probably plotting how to kill us next." She mocks.

I walk away from the both of them and straight towards the kitchen. I pick a glass and fill it with water when a sudden memory hits me.

"This is a marble." Lucy says and places a smooth glass ball in my hand.

"Narnle!" I giggle.

She smiles and kisses my cheek.

Tears well under my eyes again and I wipe them away before anyone notices.

The water tastes acrid on my tongue and I feel a sudden urge to vomit.

"Hurry up and get in here." My father says from the living room.
"And change into some decent clothes." My mother adds up.


I change into short black leggings with a white shirt. I blow myself a kiss in the mirror before walking out of my room.

I kiss the framed picture of little Lucy in the hallway before making my way downstairs again.

"What in the name of Saint Louis are you wearing?" Mother groans and sizes me up. A wave of insecurity hits me a I try to cover myself even though I knew I wasn't exposed in any way.

"We don't have time to deal with Mya's incompetence. They're already here." Father says and looks ate with disgust and anger. I look down at the black coloured tiles before padding over to sit beside my mother.

But who is them?


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