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I'm stuck between two options of clothes. The first one being a black skimpy halters neck with a large cut revealing my cleavage and beside it a white jumpsuit with a baggty bottom. I scoff and roll my eyes dumping the clothes in the bin close to my bed.

There's no way I'm wearing those clothes.

"What are you wearing?" Mother asks when she catches a sight of me. I'm dressed in a full black gown that seems to be dyed shabbily revealing blotches of white. In my drunken state,I giggle and trip over my own leg.
"I allowed you to go to that party because I thought for once I could trust you and get over the fact that you killed my daughter..." She begins but everything around me spins and I feel something sting my cheek.

"No fair." I groan and rub my burning cheek.
"Shut up! And take off that abomination of fashion." She says and walks away.

I bend over and drag a black box from under the bed. Dust has accumulated on it over the course of six years but I couldn't care less.
I blow on it and sneeze at least five times before I am able to open the box.

"Ta-da" I smile to myself as the wretched but beautifully horrified gown still fits me.
I pair it with pearls and white sunglasses and a widow's hat. This was a funeral. A funeral for my freedom and I had to look my best.

"Here lies the youth of Mya Nichole Gardiner. Died sadly after being sold off to some posh douche." I chuckle when my conscience makes a joke.

"There is no way in heaven and earth you're wearing that." Mother says when she sees me. Her face is plastered with so much mascara she almost looks waxy.

"You bet your ass I am!" I say and tumble down the stairs. I don't think I was a good idea to gulp down half a bottle of vodka before walking out of my room.

"Such insolence." My father says and I roll my eyes before getting up.
"I haven't got all day,let's go." I tell them and gather the fabric in my arms.


"You look like you want to eat her." Everett tells me. I look at myself in the mirror again.

Tattooed arms are hidden in a crisp white shirt with a suit to top it off. My shoes are shinier than they've ever been and I begin to feel like I may have overdressed.

"At least you look good." He says and ruffles my hair.

"Do that again,and I'll cut your hand off. I mean it." I scowl with narrowed eyes. He lifts his hands in surrender and chuckle.

"Whatever you say boss man."

The drive to the restaurant is long but interesting. I saw a drunkard injecting himself with what I assume was bath salts and a mom taking her baby for on walk.

"We're here,sir." The driver tells my father and I can't wait to get out of this car. It's big and all but I can't stand being with my father for one minute.

"Don't mess this up." He tells me as if I am a toddler.

"Okay 'daddy'" I say sarcastically and bolt into the restaurant before he can reply.

I see a brown haired girl in a shabby coloured gown and he's her eyes hidden behind large rectangular sunglasses.

"Ah,they're here." She claps sarcastically and takes a bit out of her steak.

"Behave yourself." I hear her father say and I smirk before walking towards them.
I like to torture people without even touching them and right now,I was torturing her father with just a gaze.

"Mr. Cairus,I presume your father will be joining us?" He asks and shakes my hand.

"Yes,it's a pleasure to see you all again." I say without sparing her father a glance.
Everyone is overly dressed and the only person I would say it dressed to impress is Mya. She hates me,I'm sure of it and she dresses to prove it.

"Ah,Mr. Ashbourne you're here." Her mother exclaims as if she just saw God. I roll my eyes at the sycophancy before taking my seat beside Mya.

"I reckon you're okay?" I ask her even though I know she won't answer.

"I've been better." She turns to me and her mouth smells like cherry vodka and strawberries. I like it.

"That's good to hear." I say and look around the restaurant.

This going to be a long day.

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