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I sob silently when I look at my reflection in the mirror. My back has formed huge welts and majority of them are torn and bleeding.

"Soon...I'll leave and..and no one will ever find me." I say when I enter my bathroom.

The scalding water pelts my body but I feel nothing. I watch as the blood trickle down and mix with the suds and soapy water on the tiled floor.

"We're gathered here,to mourn the loss of a sister. A daughter. A niece and a granddaughter." The officiator said says solemnly.

Tears trickle down my face and drip onto my black shirt. I hurriedly rub them away before anyone notices.

"Lucy Rianna Gardiner was a sweet little girl." He says and I cry even harder.

"She was loved by all." He continues and I begin to scream.

"Calm down. Didn't you kill her yourself?" Mother asks with pure venom.

I turn off the shower and step out to dry myself.

"She'll do it or I'll disown her." I hear my father say when I get out of my room.

Luckily,Cairus and his father left earlier so it was only me,mother and father.

"You bitch!" My mother yells and backhands me.
I feel my head buzz and my vision azy for about a minute.

"You killed Lucy and now you don't want to accept your fate! What kind of emotionless human are you Mya?" Mother says with a hateful gaze.

"I didn't kill Lucy!" I cry. I know that even if I rip out my hair and cry till I run out of tears, they'll still think I killed her.
Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if it was me who died instead of Lucy.

"Liar!" My father yells.

I look at him with shock and disbelief.

"Now listen to me you little waste of sperm,you'll marry him or you die." He warns but at this point,death would be better.

"I'd rather die!" I cry and try to run away but mother holds my hair in a tight grip.

"We'll be having a meeting with the Ashbournes in a week,hope you'll be on your best behaviour..Prenses." Father says in a taunting manner. He always addressed Lucy like that before she died.


I lay on the floor,bruised and numb. Nothing seems to matter anymore. My whole body aches in pain and everyone just seems to walk over me as if I were a piece of rag.

"It's nothing serious,get up!" Mother tells me while tapping my shoulder. I shake but I don't look at her.

"Mya!" She calls out again. I struggle a bit but I manage to look up.

"Get up." She yells again. I don't know where father is and I couldn't care less.

"I can't...stand up." I say hoarsely and she chuckled before walking away. More tears well up under my eyes and I begin to question my existence.


The girl beneath me withers and whimpers when I touch her.

"I haven't even touched you." I tease and I sense how she blushed even while her eyes are hidden by the blindfold.

"Please,no more." She cries pleasurably.

"Hey bro,um the shipments are ready...." My little brother,Everett barges into my room.

"Shit,dude can't you knock for once in your god damned life?" I yell and begin to untie the half naked girl.
"No,and I didn't know you were fucking someone." He says and winks at the girl I just released from her binds. She blushes and I hit her bottom to gesture her to get out.

"We were done anyway." I tell him and take sip of my scotch.

"Well,the shipments are ready and we'll need someone to help with the unloading." He says and combs his shaggy hair with his hand.

"Well then take Remus. I'll be busy for the rest of the day." I tell him and he nods before walking out of my room.

I pick a file off my desk and flipped through it.

21 years,Turkish-American,studies arts...

All these information were useless. I needed concrete leads but all these were useless shit.

I can't stop thinking about her. Her hair,he eyes,the way she chuckled when it was obvious she was cussing at me in her head.

"Mr. Ashbourne,you have a visitor." My maid,Gina says after knocking.

"Let them in." I tell her.

"Cai,I broke a nail,spoilt a phonecase and broke a heel. I need replacements." My girlfriend,Lisa yells and slings her purse onto my bed.

"Sorry Lis,I'll replace all immediately." I tell her before pulling her into a kiss.

She breaks the kiss and runs her thumb down my bottom lip. She would stop is she knew where these lips had been.

"I have to handle some important issues. Don't wait up. You can stay in my room though." I say as I walk towards the door.

"Okay." She says excitedly.

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