Cruise Ship Fun

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Selena's POV

While on the cruise we've stopped at lots of places. Our next stop is Hawaii so we grab our small travel bags as we get off the ship and go to to the hotel for two days tops. We check in and just leave our stuff in our begs and walk out of the hotel seeing a limo van outside. We get in seeing Shawn, Gage and David in it.

Shawn: You guys call a limo?

Sydney: Hey baby. I've missed you.

Sydney sits next to Shawn, I was sitting next to Andrea and Lynda was sitting next to David. The limo starts driving as we all start chatting about stuff.

Andrea: What brings you guys here?

Shawn: We had reports from our Hawaii fans about some Cryptid creatures. Probably talking about the Night Marchers.

Me: Who are they?

Shawn: If you're in Hawaii at night and hear the sounds of drumming or the trumpeting of a conch shell, it's best not to stick around to see who's approaching. The spirits of ancient Hawaiian warriors called Night Marchers are said to travel in groups around the islands to revisit places where they fought fierce battles during their lifetimes.

Gage: And what happens if you make eye contact?

Shawn: If I remember correctly It's said that those who make eye contact with these floating apparitions risk being swept away into the spirit world. If there's no chance to flee from the Night Marchers, then get down on your belly to show respect and keep your eyes to the ground as they pass by. So us three are here to just check it out ourselves. At least we're getting paid for it as well.

David: Does help my parents are also rich so we can travel anywhere anytime.

We all giggle as the limo parks in the shopping centre. We get out and start walking around store to store buying cloths and souvenirs.

*days pass*

We are back on the cruise ship again going to another destination. I call Bella for some information.

Me: Hey Bella. Anything happening tonight?

Bella: Yes ma'am. We have our singer Salanna is singing during lunch today or if you want we have a murder mystery in the ballroom during lunch and we have a masquerade tonight if interested. Salanna will be singing there as well.

Me: Ooo fancy. Do we have to sign up for it?

Bella: If you want we can put your name in.

Me: Ok sign Andrea and I up. What time?

Bella: Starts at nine pm and usually ends around three in the morning but would end at five in the morning if it's really good.

Me: Sounds interesting.

Bella: Alright. What about Lynda and Sydney?

Me: I'll talk to them and let you know.

Bella: Sounds good. See you tonight.

I hang up and walk out in the hallway and see Sydney and Andrea walking up so I walk to them.

Me: Hey babe. Hey Syd.

Andrea and Sydney: Hey.

Me: I signed us up for a masquerade. Sounds like a fun thing to do.

Sydney: Ooo does sound like fun. I'd like to go.

Andrea: I don't know darling. You know I don't do well with that kind of party.

Me: Oh it'll be fun. Where's Lynda?

Sydney: She'll be with Demi for the rest of the day or who knows how long.

Me: Of course. So your down Sydney?

Sydney: Of course. I have the perfect dress for it. I'll call Bella to get more details.

Sydney goes to her room leaving me and Andrea to ourselves. We walk to our room to talk.

Me: Come on baby. If you go tonight I'll do what you always wanted.

Andrea: Really now?

She walks to me wrapping her arms around my waist. I kiss her cheek then look at her.

Me: Oh yeah.

Andrea: Ok fine I'll go. Just cause I love you and save that for another time.

*hours pass*

We are in our dresses and grabbed our masks. We walk out and see Sydney waiting for us in her beautiful dark green dress that shows her figure. We walk to the ballroom putting our masks on. I look at Andrea.

Me: So we agree that we have our passes correct?

Andrea: Yes. Besides you know that it'll mean nothing but pleasure if it goes there.

We kiss to confirm and walk in.

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