The Lake Monster Romour

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Andrea's POV

Shawn, Lynda and I won a trip on a cruse trip in the Caribbean. We haven't hung out just the three of us in a while so that'll be nice. We pack what's needed and get into the limo to go to the Cruse ship.

Shawn: It is nice to be treated on a trip and not pay for it.

Lynda and I: Right.

Me: Just sucks that I can't bring my Selly.

Lynda: And I without my Billie.

Shawn: Yeah

We arrive to the ship and we go on. We get guided to our rooms. We settle in for a bit then meet up.

Me: Isn't that Demi over there?

I nod towards Demi's way.

Lynda: It is.

Shawn: Go talk to her.

Lynda walks to Demi and they start talking. Shawn and I walk to the snack table and talk about random stuff. Shawn shushed me and we hear people talking about a lake monster.

Girl: I've heard it's true. My dad's friend's uncle said he saw it while fishing.

Guy: Well without photo proof I don't believe it. Besides if any lake monsters do exist the Tik Tok group Cryptid Hunters would've proved it by now.

Girl: Well they proved other Cryptids existed. Like the Fresno Nightcrawlers and Mothman.

Guy: Well if it was fake it's pretty convincing.

Girl: You think they're here?

Guy: I doubt it.

We walk away before being noticed. We were wearing glasses and Shawn had shaved but haven't posted any videos in a while so nobody recognized him.

Me: Well that's cool to listen about us.

Shawn: Right. Can't believe nobody recognized me yet.

Me: Right.

We sit on some chairs and he takes his cigars out that our dad gave him before passing away.

Me: Aren't you saving those for rare occasions?

Shawn: This is a rare occasion. When was the last time we were on a cruise?

Me: True.

We shared the cigar while relaxing. A staff member came to us with some drinks.

Staff: Some drinks?

Shawn and I look at each other confused as we haven't told anyone about our go to drinks. We take them anyways and take a sip.

Staff: These were bought by the couple at the pool bar.

He points to the couple at the pool bar. We wave at them while looking back at the sunset. They were looking at us smiling. We walk over to them to thank them.

Shawn: Thank you.

Girl: Your welcome.

Me: We appreciate it.

Guy: So beautiful. Are you taken?

Me: I am yes. With my beautiful girlfriend Selena.

Girl: Besides she's out of your league.

We all laugh. We have our drinks while talking.  Her name is Sasha and her brother is Steven. They ended up started talking about folklore and mythology stuff.

Sasha: What mythical/folklore creature would you want as a pet?

Me: Oooo I never thought of that question.

Shawn: Griffin.

Steven: Centaurs.

Sasha: Those were quick answers.

Steven: Well to be fair can't really have pet but more of a friend but still would be cool.

Shawn and Steven were talking about all that while Sasha and I were gossiping about everything.

Sasha: Did you hear about the river/ocean monster from around here?

Me: No. What is it?

Sasha: I heard that a monster love to tip over boats to eat humans!

Me: Well I'm assuming that it gets provoked then it'll defend itself.

Sasha: Ya that makes sense. Have you ever encountered anything like that?

Only if she knew what I do for a living but I'm on vacation so had to get away from work.

Me: I wish. The closest thing to a folklore creature I've encountered was a dog with a bad case of mange.

Sasha: So a Chupacabra?

Me: I guess.

We all got out of the pool and walked to their room to keep hanging out. We've had a few more drinks before calling it quits. Shawn and I go back to our room to see the do not disturb sign on the door and know what Lynda is up to. So we walk back on the deck to look at the stars.

Shawn: Beautiful night eh?

Me: Yeah. I love looking at the stars and just get lost in them.

Shawn takes out a blunt and lights it up. We were in the smoking section of the boat so him and I shared it while watching the stars. We see some shooting stars or could it be UFO's. Shawn and I finish the blunt and I get up to go to bed.

Me: Coming with?

Shawn: Nah I'm going to stay out for a bit longer. I'll see you tomorrow.

Me: Night. Love you.

Shawn: Love you too.

I walk to our room and open it moving the do not disturb sign back in and see Lynda and Demi sleeping nude. I put a blanket over them since I don't want to see them nude. I lay in my bed and fall asleep soon after. Was a good day.

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