Leprechaun Trouble

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Lynda's POV

The four of us four are at a bar in Ireland celebrating St Patrick's Day. With Shawn and Andrea being part Irish they can hand their beer they take a while to get drunk. Us four being Andrea, Shawn, Billie and I of course so we're sitting in a booth drinking and talking. The karaoke DJ was setting up the equipment for karaoke so Shawn got up and went to help him out. As Shawn was helping out us girls were gossiping.

Billie: So who's Shawn dating now?

Andrea: Well he was dating a girl named Kirstin but he ended it cause he didn't want to be a home wrecker.

Me: Makes sense.

Andrea: Right but as far as I know he's still single.

Billie: I mean shit I can hook him up with my friend Zoe.

Andrea: Maybe but he's happy being single.

Me: I think he has a thing for Sydney with how much they hang out.

Andrea: Why don't you message her to see if she can come over.

I take my phone out and text her. When I did Shawn came back looking confused well more then ever.

Billie: What's up?

Shawn: I'm pretty sure I saw a leprechaun. Like a legit leprechaun.

Me: As in a little dude, green suit and a ginger beard? More ginger then yours?

Shawn: Yeah. Looked like it was up to no good. I'm going out for a smoke and figure out more.

He gets up and walks outside with his cigars. I get up and join him.

Me: You being serious or just fucking with us?

Shawn: Being serious.

We walk around and I see a few coins. I walk to him and show him.

Me: You know more about Irish folklore more then anyone. This a real leprechaun coin?

He takes it and studies it. He bites it to see if it's real.

Shawn: I'll have to double check tomorrow but as far as I know it could be.

We walk back in just in time for karaoke to start so we sit back down in our booth and talk more as some singers sang. Not really good but Billie got up to sing her songs and I guess she put my name in cause he called my name. So I get up and go to the mic and sang a song. I walk back as Shawn went to the mic. I sit down as Shawn sings some Irish songs. As he's singing I see something running in the back room near the pool table. I tell Andrea about it as Billie is watching Shawn.

Me: I saw something running by the pool table.

Andrea: What?

Me: I think it's the leprechaun like Shawn was saying. Can't be sure but it's a gut feeling.

Andrea: Well let's go look.

We get up and walk over to look around. We didn't see anything out of the ordinary so we walked to the bar.

Mya: Need a refill?

Andrea: Sure.

Me: Have you heard anything weird around lately?

As Mya was getting our drinks she tells us about the folklore about the area and said a leprechaun haunts the bar.

Me: Does he leave coins around?

Mya: Yes he does.

Andrea: Are they real?

Mya: I'm pretty sure they are. You'll have to ask the owner since he has a thing for coins.

Me: What's his name?

Mya: Brian. He usually sings a lot.

We take our drinks and walk back to the booth and talk about it. Shawn and Billie walk back and sit with us again. We  inform about it and Shawn spoke up.

Shawn: Knew it.

The owner Brian walks over with two drinks with him to hand Shawn and Billie.

Brian: So Mya tells me you have some questions about the leprechaun myth?

He sat with us and told us everything he knew. Hours pass and we sing songs while talking about the folklore. We finish and pay our bill as well leave. As we're leaving we hear laughter from the ally way. We go investigate and see the leprechaun.

Leprechaun: I'm just having some fun on my day.

We all look at each other and Shawn walks to the leprechaun and they talk about something. He comes back with a pot of gold and some magical cigars.

Us: What the fuck did you do?

Shawn: I'll explain tomorrow.

We all arrive to the RV and fall asleep.

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