Woodland creatures

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Shawn's POV

We've been running into dead leads and proved many fakes. We all decided to take a break and go camping as we always do to take our minds off things. Hope spent time with her family and fiancé who's name I can never remember while Hayley and Jacob also went to see their family's. So it was only Gage, Lynda, Andrea and I are going camping. Lynda and Andrea were gossiping while Gage and I were figuring out what to do next.

Lynda: Andrea and I are going to buy food and some drinks.

Me: And Gage and I will go buy some fire wood and alcohol, you know the good stuff.

Andrea: Of course you would.

We all got a laugh out and we took two cars to grab what's needed.

*two hours later*

We all meet back up and Gage and I see that Lynda and Andrea picked up some more friends.

Gage: Who are they?

Lynda: This is Jade and Sarah.

Andrea: You know Jade, the girl Lynda has always been obsessing over.

Me: Oh yes. What made you two wanna come on the trip?

Jade: I need a break from my band. You've heard of us right?

Gage: Little Mix right?

Jade: Yes.

Me: What about you Sarah?

Sarah: Well I thought you were cute and wanted to get to know you.

I blush a bit and glad I've brought extra tents. We all get into our jeeps and start driving to the camp site.

*three hours pass*

We arrive at the camp site and I park to talk to the owner.

Me: So which spots are available?

Catherine: There is a few spots by the woods.

She grabs a map and draws where our spots will be.

Cathrine: Just so you guys know there is a singer here with her family and doesn't really want to be bugged just so you know.

Me: Ok thanks for the heads up.

I take the map and walks back out to the jeep. As I walk out the singer she was just talking about walks into the store. I walk to the jeep and get in starting it, pulling out and drives into the site and starts driving to the spot.

Lynda through the walkie talkie: I know that person!

Gage through ours: What do you mean?

Lynda: The person who just walked in!

Gage: Who is it?

Lynda: My girl crush Billie Eilish!

Me: Well she is next to us and doesn't want to be bothered.

Lynda: Hope she has an RV or a camper of some kind.

Andrea: Oh Lynda. You and your girl crushes.

We park in our spot and starts getting ready. The girls get the tents ready as Gage and I are getting the fire ready. We get set just in time for the sunset. Lynda sees Billie walk back to her trailer and tries not to fan girl but fail miserably.

Lynda: Hi Billie. I'm a big fan and can I get a selfie with you?

Billie: Oh yeah sure.

Lynda takes a selfie with Billie as Billie goes back into her trailer as I grab the grill getting ready to make some food.

Jade: What's for dinner?

Me: burgers and hot dogs.

Jade: Yum.

Lynda was staring at Billie's trailer wanting to talk to Billie again.

*some hours later*

It's night time passes and Jade, Sarah, Lynda and Andrea are sleeping leaving Gage and I are sitting by the fire talking softly. As we think of something to talk about Billie gets out of her trailer.

Billie: Hey guys, can you please stop knocking on my trailer? It's creepy and we're trying to sleep.

Gage: That's not us.

Billie: And the little lights flickering by my window?

Me: Again not us.

Billie: Can I hang out with you? Can't sleep now cause I'm freaked out.

Gage: Yeah sure.

Billie walks over to us and sits in Lynda's chair. She has a blanket around her and wearing slippers. She looks at the fire as it was quiet now. We hear a voice in the woods calling out help.

Billie: What was that?

Gage and I: I'm not sure.

Billie: Go check it out.

I get up and grab my gun from my jeep and walks back.

Gage: Should I come with?

Me: Nah. Your staying here.

Andrea wakes up and climbs out of the tent.

Andrea: can you guys keep it down?

Gage: not us bish.

Me: Someone in the woods is doing it. Grab your gun and come with.

*part 2 coming soon*

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