Chapter 2: The Bigfoot Encounter

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Andrea's POV

When we went camping we didn't think we'd run into anyone or anything major. Maybe some racoons and squirrels and all that wildlife. We weren't expecting something like him. So we were sleeping and heard someone or something coming so Shawn went to look around and came back in a panic and with lots of cuts and out of breath.

Me: What happened?

Shawn: Well I thought we were being watched so I went to go see what was happening and well I saw what I think is a Bigfoot. I'm not as much of a hunting person as Andrea.

Lynda: Tell is what it looked like.

Shawn: Well it was around my height standing and had black/greyish hair.

Andrea: sounds like it. We should make a team to like hunt cryptics!

Shawn: I'm not sure.

Lynda: I don't know.

Me: Well think about it. I'll be the tracker/hunter, Shawn will be the mussels and Lynda you can be the driver!

Shawn: I'm down.

Lynda: Is it because I'm the only one who drives?

Me: Maybe.

Shawn: I drive. We can get an RV cause I'm more specialized in transport trucks and that kind of vehicles.

Lynda: Ok. Only if we bring Finnegan.

Me: We do need a sniffer to track the smells.

At the time we agreed we hear a noise and hear a tree fall. We look and see green eyes and it was a little taller then Shawn. It comes running at us but runs away when it sees Andrew. We then decided to leave. When we got back we made the plan it all out.

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