Grey Aliens

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Andrea's POV

As Shawn and Gage were out recruiting and training new recruiters trying to make us more global so hopefully we can get a win. While they're doing that Lynda and I got sent to the LA mountain side. We end up parking and had to walk up the rest of the way. We're talking to Hope about it getting more information.

Me: So any chance we'll actually see one?

Hope: I hope so. Sucks you couldn't drive the rest of the way. You guys gonna carry the weapons as well?

Lynda: No shit Sherlock.

We laugh as Hope fake laughs.

Hope: What I mean is what are you going to carry?

Me: I'm sure the small stuff. Especially the snacks.

Lynda: I'll take the drinks. It'll be nice to hike especially in this nice fall weather.

Hope: I wish I was there as well. I need to hike more but too lazy.

Lynda and I: You can say that again.

We all laugh as Lynda and I finish getting ready.

Hope: You guys have the satellite phone just in case?

Me: I do as always.

Lynda looks around and sees three cars in the lot.

Lynda: Is it just me or is that one car dustier then the others?

I look around and sees the car she's talking about walking to it. Lynda follows and we take a look inside it.

Lynda: Looks familiar.

Me: Besides the plates being removed?

Lynda: well that wasn't what I was saying but this looks like Demi Lovato's car.

Me: How do you know?

Lynda: I may or may not have did it in the back seat.

I look at her with a smirk and eyebrows lifted as she looks at me blushing.

Lynda: Don't you dare say anything. Especially to Shawn cause he'll make it worse.

I giggle and look around.

Me: She must be hiking so who knows we'll see her.

Lynda: Yeah maybe.

I walk back to the truck and grab a few flashlights as we start hiking and I start talking about her and Demi.

Me: I thought you and Billie were a thing?

Lynda: She's figuring it out still. She also said I can do whatever I wanted till she figured it out.

Me: Ooooh well hope she can look over you being a slut.

We giggle while hiking. We see some footprints going off trail so we decided to follow them carefully. I went down first then Lynda followed. Not long after we went off trail we see someone passed out sleeping with cloths torn in different spots. We rush over and turn on the flashlights on as the sun is setting. Lynda sees it is Demi so I call the air rescue response team knowing we can't get her out safely.

*half hour passes*

I've called the response team and they're on their way. Demi is still out cold and not responding. Lynda is doing CPR on her as I'm looking at the sky. One minute it's dark and starting to get colder, next minute there's a beaming white light in the sky. Lynda and I look up blinded by the light. We cover our eyes trying to see if it's the rescue crew but know it's not them as us two are getting lifted to the air. Being the smart women I am I toss a bottle in the bushes near Demi with a note inside. We look around confused and then to each other.

Lynda: What did you toss?

Me: A bottle with a note inside.

Lynda: What does the note say?

Me: If you find this contact Shawn Cushman showing this note. He'll know what to do next. Don't forget I always have an air tag on me.

Lynda: Good.

We start to walk around just to find out we're in a clear case after walking into a barrier.

Lynda: Dafuq?

I knock on it and see some silhouettes down the corridor. I signal to Lynda hoping she saw them as well.

Me: Lynda. Did you see them?

Lynda: Who?

Me: I don't know who I saw but I saw something down the hallway.

Lynda: I didn't see anything.

We looked everywhere to get out but nothing. As we're looking around we pass out sleeping after a while off trying to get out.

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