Chapter 5: The first case

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Lynda's POV

So I wake up to them talking quite loudly and I walk out to see what they're talking about.

Me: What the fuck is going on?

Hope: I got a lead but Andrea doesn't wanna do it.

Andrea: Cause I don't do underwater bullshit.

Hope: Then stay back on this one!

Andrea: But it's our first case.

Me: Where's Shawn?

Hope: He's been gone with Finnegan for a while.

Andrea: He said he was going to the lake near by.

We all go walk and find them staring at the water. So we walk closer and try to find what he's looking at

Me: Hey. What ya looking at?

Shawn: Thought I saw something out there.

Andrea: You know what it might be?

Shawn: No.

We all walk back to the RV and he drives to the nearest McDonald's. We all get our orders and eat them in the RV.

*the next day*

We are up and the news came on.

Reporter: Welcome we'll start by talking about the mysterious disappearance of a swim champion Sofia Stevens while swimming in Lake Champions, Ontario. The police and fire department went for a search and found nothing.

We're all watching while Finnegan was looking at the lake. We start talking about what it might be.

Me: What could it be?

Shawn: Could it be a lock ness monster kinda thing?

Andrea: Or a spirit?

Me: Well whatever it is we need to stop it.

Hope: There are a few mythical creatures that are water based not just that there've been reports of people going missing.

Jacob, Hayley and Gage show up.

Hayley: You guys heard about what's going on?

Everyone: Ya

Hayley: Ok. Word spreads fast.

Gage: We met up with some of the locals and one of them said that there's a Lock Ness monster type of creature in there.

Shawn: Did you get the names?

Jacob: I wasn't listening. There was some nice cars around. To be specific......

Hayley: I got her name. Her name is Sarah Jennings. She owns a dive bar saints bar in town. Big sign can't miss it.

Andrea, Shawn and I went to the bar. Shawn was playing Dive Bar Saints covered by Home Free. He loves that band and can't blame him they're good. We arrive at the bar and walks in. She walks to the bar.

Sarah: Hello new comers. What's your poison?

She looks at Shawn.

Sarah: Your gonna need a big boy glass.

We all laugh a little. We order our drinks and sit down in a booth.

Shawn: So can you tell us about the lake monster myth?

Sarah: So myth has it that the creature has always been here. It resembles the Lock Ness Monster in Ireland and all that. It is rumoured to be 20 ish feet long and there's another myth that there's pirate ships at the bottom of the lake and only comes up during the eclipse. Some people say that the monster is the Pirate's pet. Don't ask how that works.

Me: We've heard weirder.

We finished our drinks and left our contact stuff and left.

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