The Skunk Ape Romour

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Andrea's POV

Selena went to film her show Only Murderer's In The Building so I've been spending time with the my friends and brother. Shawn haven't dated anyone. I get an email on my phone from Hope so I open it and read it out loud to Shawn.

Me: "There has been a few sightings of a Cryptid named Skunk Ape. They want some help to get him/it away from the neighborhoods. Please help us. I'll send address if you can help"

Shawn: Maybe we can do the Florida stuff while there. Want to do it just us? Brother sister bonding.

Me: Sounds like fun.

Shawn goes pack his stuff while I book our flight and tickets. After that I pack my stuff for the trip. I sent Shawn his ticket and all that and we called Lynda for a ride.

*half hour later*

Lynda finally arrives and she has Billie with her cause when doesn't she? Anyways they drive us to the airport and we get out.

Me: You really have your crime stoppers hockey bag?

Shawn: What? Dad bought it for me when I was in my hockey phase. Ain't getting rid of it anytime soon.

Me: True. You bring that everywhere don't you?

Shawn: Only if we're flying. Hope the edibles kick in soon cause I haven't been sleeping well that much.

We board the plane and go to our seats.

Me: How come you haven't been sleeping well?

Shawn: Don't know. Guess it's from all this hunting. Gets a bit stressful especially getting attacked isn't doing good for my mental and physical health.

I take my iPad out and look for something or someone that can help.

*few hours later*

We finally land in Florida where a friend of Selena's is picking us up.

Shawn: Not getting coffee on the way out?

Me: We're getting one on the way to her place.

Shawn: Her who? Are you trying to set me up for a date again?

Me: Not this time. Besides this friend is a lesbian.

Shawn: Ok cause you need to quit doing that. I'm happy being single.

Me: So I've been told.

We walk to her car and I get in letting Shawn deal with the bags. Shawn gets in after and buckles up.

Me: Shawn this is Dove. Dove this is my brother Shawn.

Shawn: Nice to meet you.

Dove: Back at ya.

Dove starts driving as I can tell Shawn is falling asleep in the back so Dove and I start talking.

Me: Long time no see babes.

Dove: Not much. Been hanging.

Me: That's good. Here for vacation?

Dove: Yeah. Thinking about going to Universal this week if you guys wanna go?

Me: Well Shawn isn't much of a fan of amusement parks in his old age. Also that is like 7' something so can't really fit the rides anyways.

Dove pulls into a store and we get out while Shawn is still sleeping.

Dove: Weed I'm assuming?

Me: Edibles. Pretty sure he's going to be sleeping for a day and a half.

Dove: Makes sense.

We walk in and I grab some food for Shawn and I as Dove gets us coffee from the restaurant attached to the store.

Dove: Shawn still drinks French Vanilla?

Me: Yeah. Extra large per usual.

As I finish grabbing the groceries I see Dove walk back to the van. I walk out and put them in the trunk then get in the passenger seat. We drive back to her place. We grab everything and bring them inside. Shawn walks in after us and sits on the chair by the TV zoned out.

It was night now and I've told Dove about what we do and she told me about her experience with the infamous Skunk Ape. Shawn is out back making food. Dove falls asleep as soon as Shawn walked in.

Shawn: Guess she's not having any. More for me.

Me: Or for the Skunk Ape.

Shawn: I smelt him out there while I was cooking. Unless it was very powerful weed.

Me: What do you mean?

Shawn: Yeah he was around somewhere. Probably should leave a stake out there.

Shawn went outside to eat and have a smoke anyways. I ate my food and fell asleep not long after so I don't know what happened after.

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