The incident

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Andrea's POV

We got a lead that there was a creature called the Czechoslovakian Dong Wrangler. Weird one for sure but we'll go check it out. Jacob wants to come with since he hasn't left Canada much and maybe we can get him a girl.

Jacob: I'm so exited to be coming with.

Me: Yeah it'll be nice.

Shawn has been busy spending time with his new girlfriend Jessica. She's really sweet girl and I'm happy for him. He's skipping out of this trip this time to meet her family. So Jacob is coming with us this time and it'd be night to hang out with him.

Me: So Jacob, How ya been?

Jacob: I've been alright. Working on some cars and all.

Me: Yeah? Well maybe you can work on some cars there. Maybe meet some cute Czechoslovakian's.

I wink at him and we laugh a little.

Jacob: So who's coming with us?

Me: Um I believe it'll be me, you and I think Lynda.

Jacob: ah ok. That's cool.

We go back to our houses and start packing and met at the air port and go on the plane.

*hours pass*

We arrive and check into the motel and talked to the locals. We learned about where it's rumoured to be and all that. Just glad we got a translator and then Jacob, Lynda and I are gonna get ready to go and bought everything needed.

Lynda: Why do we need the car man out here?

Me: Bait.

Lynda and I giggle and Jacob looked offended.

Jacob: Wow offended!

Lynda: Never know.

We set up the tents and get ready for the hunt. We all agreed we'll take turns staying up. Jacob agreed to be the first to stay up so Lynda and I went to our tent we're sharing and Jacob stayed up.

*time passes to 3:00AM*

We wake up to Jacob screaming so Lynda and I get out of the tent and saw Jacob getting attacked by the dong wrangler. Lynda and I shot it and it escaped so we ran to Jacob to see him passed out. We get him in the hospital and we're sitting in the waiting room for a while and to hear about anything. The doctor comes to us and we get up.

Doctor: So he'll be ok. Will need to do emergency surgery so he'll be out of it for a few days. Maybe a week tops.

Lynda: Good. Maybe he'll get laid with a new dong.

Doctor: He's awake now if you wanna visit him quickly before we do the surgery.

We follow the doctor to his room.

Me: Hey bud. How ya doing?

Jacob: Could be better.

Lynda: Could be worse.

Jacob: At least I'm alive.

Me: So you'll be having a surgery and will be out of it for a while.

Jacob: Yeah I know.

Well we're gonna head out ok? Let us know when your good.

Jacob: Ok.

Lynda and I left and went to our motel.

Lynda: Hope he'll be ok.

Me: Same.

We slept through the night and got a call in the morning. It was about Jacob and it doesn't sound good.

Doctor: I have some bad news. The surgery went wrong and he lost a lot of blood and passed away.

We sigh hearing the news.

Me: Ok well thanks for telling us.

We hang up and sigh. How are we going to tell everyone? We pack to go home and talking about how we'll tell everyone.

*days pass*

I called everyone to hang out and I am the best one to tell them.

Me: So Jacob died and don't laugh but it was from the Czechoslovakian Dong Wrangler.

Shawn: Well shit. What a way to go.

Hope: Does his parents know?

Me: Not yet. Still thinking how to tell them.

Gage: Well gotta tell them soon.

Lynda: Ya we know. Gotta take a few days.

We all hang out for the rest of the day and all ended up all passing out.

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