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Location: Colorado, USA
Time: 6:30AM
Date: July 7, 2008
Season: Spring


{<Desert Lighting - AC5 Theme Plays>}


<<Carson HQ>>
To all units of ground and air keep the enemy busy. We'll get contact from nearby bases to help with air support!

<<US Pilot>>
I'm hit I'm bailing out!- {{-no response-}}

(-a pilot parachutes out of his destroyed aircraft where another aircraft that shot him flew by-)

<<Kage 4>>
This is Kage 4, I got one.

{<🦋 butterfly effect 🦋>}

KAGE SQUADRON, 77th Attack Fighter Group
Members: 25 Aces
Title: Shadowed Warriors
Plane: A-10A Warthog
Assigned Air Base: Mitsubishi Air Base
Country: 🇯🇵

<<Himawari 32>>
Himawari 32 to allied forces, we are heading to the heat zone in 10 minutes.

<<Kage 10>>
Be a little quicker, our guys need armor!

<<Kage 16>>
Fox two! {{-firing missile-}}

<<US Pilot>>
Ejecting! {{-no response-}}

(-while an Eagle goes down from a missile hitting its rudder the scene from below was a bloodbath soldiers of the 131st and 147th were taking cover on each of the dead carcasses of tanks and armored vehicles while the enemies had the upper hand with Yorks, Bradleys, Pattons, and Abrams on their side blasting away at the helpless unit-)

{<🦋 butterfly effect 🦋>}

131st JGSDF Ground Unit
147th JGSDF Ground Unit

<<Carson HQ>>
This is the Tower of the Carson HQ, you are cleared for take off.

<<US Pilot>>
Copy that.

(-on the ground the violent action between men and guns vs armored infantry were sent to the frontlines multiple fumes of rising smoke can be seen all over Fort Carson as the battle progressed-)

<<US Ground Unit>>
Taking fire! {{-firing gun-}}

<<US Ground Unit>>
Push them back harder! {{-throws grenade-}}

<<US Ground Unit>>
Mud Fish Battalion, Sand Snake Battalion enemy hostiles on five o'clock!

<<US Ground Unit>>
Copy that, fire away! {{-firing cannon-}}

(-the Bradley tank opened fire and wipes out a single squad with its 25mm cannon the others flee and hid away-)

<<JSDF Ground Unit>>
We're under attack! We need support!

<<JSDF Ground Unit>>
Throwing a frag! {{-throws grenade-}}

(-a soldier from the allies throws a frag at the enemy soldiers killing one group but while he did he was caught under fire by 50 caliber shots to the chest killing him in an instant-)

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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