Cutscene 13: MONSTER AT SEA

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[2 days later. . .]


Location: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Islands
Time: 5:00AM
Date: March 26, 2008
Season: Late Winter


(-the next two days was just normal work at the last day before going I was spending my time with my family through an online meeting where Yui, Shira, Kenshi, and Kai were I was preparing myself to go at sea and travel to my next mission-)

Hiro: Honey, do not worry. I know it will be a long travel from home. But trust me in this.

Yui: How am I going to believe that if that's all the way to the Atlantic?

Hiro: You just have to believe me, Yui. I always keep my promises for you and my kids.

(-she sighed while carrying Kai she had a hard long thought about what I was saying to her but she only gave me the look of worry while the kids also look at me worried I told her this one last time to convince her to believe me-)

Hiro: I promise I'll be back, Yui.

Yui: You promise me that, Hiro?

Hiro: Yes... I love you very much. All of you...

(-she smiled with ease I was called by my officers that we are ready to set sail for another long journey far from home I was about to close the textbook until-)

Shira: Oto-san, matte!

[-she suddenly shouted to get her father's/my attention-]

Hiro: Yes what is it, Shira?

Shira: When will you come back again, oto-san? And please dont go home gloomy!

[-she said while pouting at me-]

Hiro: Haha! I will not be gloomy, and I am thinking maybe at my birthday I will return.

(-the fleet of ships were preparing so did mine it means that's my cue to get going-)

Hiro: That's my call, I have to go now. Be good to your uncle Havi okay?

Shira: Hai!

Kenshi: Becareful Papa! And take care.

Kai: Uwoh... Bye bye...

Yui: Have a safe trip, my love. I'll look after these three while your away from our home water. Don't forget about your health too.

Hiro: Arigatou... I love you all, see you soon.

(-giving them flying kisses as I close the computer then exits the building of Pearl where my fleet awaits all prepared for what is about to come the smell of death and uneasiness awaits our next mission they raise their anchors as I took a file name of the unidentified ship the ship was a submarine that roams a whole open sea of the Atlantic-)

Hiro: It looks like the CIA agents say this submarine called USS Alicorn. It should be the one responsible for damaging our armada last week. It feels like were tracking down the source, here.

(-I watch as the fleet sails on the open waters to head to our next location-)

{<🦋 butterfly effect 🦋>}


156x Corvettes
22x Experimental Corvettes
7x Mine Layers
4x Aegis Destroyers
12x Amphibien Aegis Stealth Ships
4x Nuclear Powered Carriers 🚩
9x Submarines


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