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I need help! I can't evade it!


<<Big Boss>>
Kid chaff the missile while you can.-

I'm out of flares my right wing is hit I-

!? Airi-chan, missile behind you!

<<Big Boss and Comedian>>


(-she couldn't react in time it was too late the missile had impacted her plane and it set fire to her engine Airi's comms died as she losses grip spiraling out of control the contrails of smoke seen on her plane followed leading her to crash on water-)

<<Zenko Squadron>>

(-with Airi unconscious and out cold her jet was dragging itself down the bottom of the ocean luckily some rescue team members had to rush in to safely get her out of the canopy leaving the burnt wreckage behind sinking at the bottom-)

[3 days later. . .]


Location: North Pacific, Midway
Time: 16:00pm
Date: June 8, 2008
Season: Summer

(-for three days Airi was not getting up she stayed in the hospital bed for three days being treated by the medical staff of Midway bandages were patched on her forehead from small open wounds her arms and legs were done the same due to the glass shards that impaled her skin right now she lies unconscious wearing the clothes of a patient-)

Takamura: ...

Bakugo: ...

Yuuki: ...

(-her three days of recovery only made the three male pilots worry even more for their squad mate yet her breathing was stable they looked at one another showing different emotions on their faces Takmura had the face of disappointment for not protecting Airi who had barely any experience in dogfighting an ace Bakugo was not expressing enlightenment to cheer the rest of them he was concerned very worried she was not waking up and Yuuki was just emotionless and stoic about the situation for the unconscious girl they all were minding their own business till Bakugo started to gather their attention by telling a joke-)

Bakugo: How about I tell you guys a joke, maybe to uhh... You know, lighten the mood?

Yuuki: Hmm...

Takamura: Sigh, go for it.

Bakugo: Okay, what do you call a person without a body or nose?

(-they didn't answer and looked at him who was explaning his joke-)

Bakugo: A nobodynose? Get it?

Both of them: . . . -_-}

(-there was silence in the background both of them didn't react until Takamura started chuckling a little so did Yuuki did from his joke to break the mood-)

Yuuki: Pft-

Takamura: Mm-mhmhmhm... Alright alright, it seems you got us both with one of your ridiculous jokes.

Bakugo: Hey, at least I gotta try for the sake of breaking the negativity.

(-Bakugo said while both of them nodded sighing in relief to not give up hope for Airi to recover as soon as she can-)

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