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Mission 01
Location: Pacific Ocean
Time: 9:30am
Date: September 15, 2007
Season: Late Spring

{<Hangar 1 - AC5 Theme Plays>}

Hiro: Today we had an unexpected visitor, that happened to have done an unexpected attack. Damn those Americans!

(-the HUD opened placing projectiles after the damage pointing the attackers directing their head turn to attack us again-)

Hiro: This is important! And dang it... I can't believe were going to face another unexpected friendly assault...

HQ: Just today thirty minutes in the morning of 9:00AM. The US has released an attack against the Japanese Fleet and its Forces.

(-the picture showed dozens of fire spreading across the dealting destruction from a few minutes ago-)

HQ: For this Operation, we will be sending our Military Forces and bring down their strength in numbers. We'll need to use whatever both the Navy and Air Force have in reserve. Admiral Hiro will task an alignment of Bombers escorted by small Fighter Groups. And the leading force will go to a new Ace Squadron hidden in secret.

(-the logo showed a fox that had four tails that were shaded in blue on each tip of the tail-)

(-the logo showed a fox that had four tails that were shaded in blue on each tip of the tail-)

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Hiro: We call them the "Kitsune Squadron." Four young youthful people who were victims of the Axel War long long ago, now working as common Aces of the sky.

(-the logo pointed all the personal miliants who were part of it 3 boys and 1 girl showing their full information-)

Name: Takamura Sojou
Gender: M
Age: 23
Birth: July 2, 1984
Country: 🇯🇵

Name: Airi Natsuki
Gender: F
Age: 17
Birth: November 1, 1990
Country: 🇯🇵

Name: Bakugo Ichigo
Gender: M
Age: 21
Birth: June 9, 1986
Country: 🇯🇵

Name: Yuuki Honomaru
Gender M
Age: 20
Birth: May 21, 1987
Country: 🇯🇵

Hiro: And since they will be participating, I will want all available forces we have to join in the operation. The name will be called Operation Reverse Uno, hit them back and know what it feels like to bombard us.

Blue Butterflies: THE ROUNDEL WAR 🦋Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz