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Mission 02
Location: Kurile Islands, Northeast Japan
Time: 14:20PM
Date: October 14, 2007
Season: Early Autumn

(<Hangar 1 - AC5 Theme Plays>}

Hiro: This is a series of news we've tracked heading our way today, therefore... I want you to listen to me everyway you can for this next mission.

(-it showed the next location to the protected Island of Kuriles held by Japan-)

Hiro: Showdown to business here is that America is invading the property. Infiltrating our resources next to the Island of Kuriles, we wouldn't have enough time to let a full supportive fleet handle it in and we need every strength we have, both Navy and Air Force to be included here.

(-HUD shows how many pilots will be involve with the navy including the Kitsune Squadron and a bunch of small time Destroyers who will be helping-)

Hiro: Don't fret, we still have time before any change of plans will be made for later updates.

(-it clicks on screen how many planes will be taking place there with only a small number that is estimated around 25 to 30 Pilots flying to protect the Island-)

HQ: This is a rush planned attack HQ has been planning from the start, but believe your Admiral. We're going to take this chance to let the US Navy and its forces back-off Kurile Islands.

(-the HUD showed the final defensive plan in Kurile's defenses attempting to make haste where they might be coming from setting up defenses as much as possible-)

Hiro: We are counting on you Kitsune Squadron, dismissed to all.

(-the screen logged out of the map and then clicks the log-off button revealing the mission's details-)

Operation: Flood Gate
Time: 14:30PM
Date: October 14, 2007
Objective: Defend the Kurile Islands.

{<Hangar 1 - AC5 Theme Ends>}



Location: Kurile Islands, Northeast Japan
Time: 15:00PM
Date: October 14, 2007
Season: Late Autumn

{<Naval Blockade - AC5 Theme Plays>}


<<JSDF AA Ground Unit>>
🚨 Hold the island. The US Navy is coming in hot within two o'clock! 🚨

<<JSDF AA Ground Unit>>
Man all your ammo for the anti air guns soon as possible, hostile reinforcements are coming!

(-the loaded guided missile turrets are locked on to fire any ship nearby their long range distance-)

<<US Destroyer>>
Prepare your VLS! They're manning up cruise missiles coming.

<<US Navy>>
No hesitations, open fire to all your cruise missiles!

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