Chapter 8: WHALE RAID

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Mission 08
Location: Labrador Sea, Greenland
Time: 16:30PM
Date: April 1, 2008
Season: Early Spring


(-heading back to the main quarters I watch the four Tomcats rise from the elevator readied one by one on the flight deck-)

<<JSDF Radio Tower>>
{{-in radio-}} Takamura of the Lead Kitsune Squadron you're permitted to take off. Over.

<<Big Boss>>
Copy that. You heard that nuggets, let's get this show on the road with a whale chase. TAKING OFF!

Roger that. Taking off.

This is Comedian I'm taking off now.

Here! We! Go!

(-all four aircrafts launched from the deck releasing all aces from air restriction the interception has begun as they fly their way to the Labrador Sea-)

We're going on a trip, in my favorite rocket ship~!

<<Big Boss>>
Lieutenant Ichigo. You sound like a kid singing and thinking something cool is gonna happen. When we haven't done anything yet.

Come on! Loosen up a little, Captain. Don't you enjoy a little even a moment like this?

<<Big Boss>>
It's even funnier to see you complain that way, no wonder your personels make lots of comedic jokes about you.



(-Bakugo heard both Airi and Yuki also laughing behind their backs as he snorts in annoyance when he knows how much of s talkative person for a high rank he was-)

Hey! I can hear you both, y'know! =~=}

<<AWACS Sensei>>
Can't agree even more with the Captain.

(-he was embarrassed after he acted like an old man teaching a young child who hasn't learned anything letting the whole squad laugh at him-)

Even you AWACS!? OH COME ON!

(-the other pilots laughed along his Squadron including the AWACS himself burst in laughter they all had a good laugh together then went back to being serious ready in action-)



Location: Labrador Sea, Greenland
Time: 17:00pm
Date: April 1, 2008
Season: Early Spring

Operation: Raid the Whale
Time: 17:00PM
Date: April 1, 2008
Objective: Intercept the enemy Submarine.

{<Demons of Razgriz - AC5 Theme Plays>}

(-heading towards their location they look to their radar to see if there are any blips until a beeping blip emerges from the radar of the AWACS spotting the giant submarine alerting the squadron-)

<<AWACS Sensei>>
Target spotted! The location is near just a few meters away. Submarine's name is USS Megaladon. HQ will send you coordinates.

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