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??? POV


[3 day before the war. . .]


Location: North China, China Seas
Time: 16:00PM
Date: October 17, 2007
Season: Spring

???: Main guns, all fire!

(-a vast of volley fired upon the large warship guns both Destroyers, Frigates, and Carriers were doing their utmost best to hold out against the Russian invasion on the Yellow Sea followed by the Chinese Fleet in arrival the battle was docile as the assault continued-)

<<US Frigate>>
Missiles launch!

<<US Destroyer>>
Main gun firing.

(-CIWS sprayed the air overflowing in hailstorm of yellow and orang smoke covers the seas Russian Ships and Chinese Ships are getting hit one over another as they felt the heat blast over their ships-)

<<PRC Destroyer>>
Lit out that fire and continue with the main mission.

<<RF Destroyer>>
Nothing will stop our invasion!-

<<RF Destroyer>>
For the Soviet Unions!

(-they continued on pursuit as the attack went on I sighed sadly at their counterattack towards us when I ordered an air strike to be deployed-)

???: Commodore here, to 2nd Task Force Aviator. Deploy the Beta. USS Vella Gulf won't last any minute.

<<US Carrier>>
Copy that, 10-4. Deploying Beta.

(-Aircrafts were launch from the deck and they flew over to the enemy lines where they'll meet-)

<<Gold 1>>
Gold 1 of the Beta to Commodore, what's your status?

Commodore: Pretty bad. My Flagship won't last any longer than this. You're clear to engage, over.

<<Gold 1>>
Affirmative, Commodore. Gold Squadron commence operation.

<<Gold Squadron>>
Roger that!

(-they were consist of four jets one of each flying different models a J-20 being the lead, a F/A-18C, a SAAB Draken, and the Mirage 2000 they dove down in their small numbers and began to tolerate the fleets defenses catching them off guard-)

<<RF Destroyer>>
Fire at those planes!

<<PRC Destroyer>>
No hesitation, less talking, more killing!

(-I smiled as they tried to fend off the Gold Squadron but to their demise it was met by my hail of fire fired by my ships armaments-)

Commodore: This is your end. Fire all weapons and sink them all!

(-as I made my command his crew men obeyed and threw everything at the enemy disintegrating them into pieces leaving no trace of life completing my task-)

Commodore: This is the Commodore of the Flagship USS Vella Gulf. It is a victor we have achieve.

<<US Destroyer>>

<<US Destroyer>>
Yeah we won that!

<<US Destroyer>>
That's our Commodore for ya!

(-as the enemy fleet was sinking a sudden distress signal from one of my fleets were told via decoded message was transmitted to the Vella Gulf-)

US Soldier: Sir, there's a message from one of our fleets. Shall I decode it?

Commodore: Make it quick then.

US Soldier: Sir!

(-a few minutes passed I was thinking on how I would get to repair Vella Gulf back to the main port of Pearl Harbor sincerely to my understanding that there was a declaration between both the US and Japanese I could only sigh-)

US Soldier: Decoding complete, sir.

Commodore: Let me see it then.

(-he hands it to me and I take the paper beginning to read the report when I found out they were under attack by the Fleet of Japan what surprises me more is that half of that fleet was injured or would've survived from just ten ships and a few dozen aircraft-)

Commodore: ...That's impossible, now who would've had a fleet like that in this time...


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