Chapter 5: PEARL'S FALL

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Mission 05
Location: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Islands
Time: 7:00AM
Date: December 7, 2007
Season: Winter


{<First Flight - AC5 Theme Plays>}


Location: Middle of the Pacific Ocean
Time: 7:00AM
Date: December 7, 2007
Season: Winter

<<JSDF Pilot>>
Start up!

<<JSDF Pilot>>
Don't fail me now...

(-outside the hangar the skies were on fire ships were spraying their AA everywhere the fighters flew in their airspace the sounds of bombing followed by shouting on the comms ravage the peaceful atmosphere filled with violence-)

<<JS Kumamoto>>
Come on, come on! Load a little faster!

<<JS Honjo>>
Ship is hit, the ship is hit!

<<JSDF Pilot>>
We're taking off! Get us out of here-

<<JS Shinigami>>
GO! Before any more sustainable damage grows further!

(-a single F-2A jet fighter flew off the deck of JS Shinigami it speeds up by 500km/h where it shortly flew to join a squad in the latter shooting down a hoard of B-52 bombers-)

<<US Bomber>>
Going down, going down!

<<US Pilot>>
Those bastards! They're shooting at our bombers. Take them all!

(-the enemy squad flew to one of the squadron of fighters and tried to chase them off the rear guard for their bombers to continue the bomb run although some ships were on fire they continued their pursuit on the enemy forces with no holding back then the scene changes to three Tomcats already on air waiting for one of their companions to fly but was still stuck on ground due the damage deck of the Carrier-)

<<JS Shinano>>
You'll have to fly off our broken deck. We can't use the emergency runway, so you have to take off by the front!

(-in the perspective of Yuuki's plane his tomcat rises from the elevator on the back left not too far from the AFT Deck the emergency crew pulled his plane out and parked it on one of the broken catapults only to be bombed by one of the Hornets dive bombing on Shinano she suffers damage but is still in tact-)

<<JS Shinano>>
You're free to take off!

This is 'WInter' I'm taking off!

Becareful, Winter. We'll cover you.

(-his plane took off shortly from the mortally wounded Carrier missing the flames that would catch his plane on fire as he took off from the runway Hiro could see his last Ace flew from the runway he sighs in relief and turns to one of the crew men-)

<<Admiral Hiro>>
Maintain the damages on her engines, and put out the fire on decks!

(-rushing allied units are helping maintain the damage when the Kitsune Squadron all took off from the damage Carrier the fighting continued on without any ship backing down whilst the rest of the fleet arrive in time to help push back the enemy forces on both sides-)

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