Cutscene 14: BACKSTORY PART 2

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Location: Atlantic Ocean, Atlantic
Time: 16:30PM
Date: April 1, 2008
Season Late Winter

(-in just one and a half hour the Blue Butterflies had captured one of the most iconic moments of a giant submarine that was never used in the war or entered service the units that were gonna beach with firearms readied to raid the Alicorn-)

<<JSDF Crew>>
Alright lackys! We're here to raid a giant whale to hang on the boat. Arm yourselves ready!

<<JSDF Crew>>

[Meanwhile in the Alicorn. . .]

<<JSDF Crew >>
Chief, what's the status of the USS Alicorn?

<<JSDF Crew>>
{{-in radio-}} Out of bounds, she can't fire nor move again. All green and ready to be captured by.


(-I nodded and sat down thinking with a relieved thought that the mission went successful raiding the USS Alicorn wasn't easy but the pursuit we did went successful in our hands my hands were full and tied down I wipe the sweat off my forehead-)

Hiro's Thoughts: "The Alicorn we captured sure gave us a hard time preparing to make the most successful one way trip of our life. Almost to risk us in its danger zone. To imagine the size of a ship bigger than us. It's unbelievable to see one in real life. Close to my eyes."

(-looking at the Alicorn it amazes me of its size alone outgrown larger than its warship counterparts taking place to get hold onto the icy watered depths now submerged and damaged by an extensive amount of hits by the swarm of ASROCs-)

Hiro: Hmm...

Takamura: Sir.

Hiro: Ah? Captain Takamura.

(-he salutes to me I salute back as we drop the formalities as he glances back at the giant submarine we were staring in the midst of the sunset afternoon we were in the depths of silence at first until he spoke-)

Takamura: The Alicorn is a ship built in the 1993, mid war to fight off the Typhon of the PRC, she was a secret submarine governed by the secretary of the navy. The government didn't insist making her at first, but after some time in agreement to not build the Nuclear Submarine the idea was scrapped. Supposedly she is larger than Titanic in size, Sir. Or should I say ten times bigger than the normal Nimitz-class.

(-the man in his early 20s who stood beside me spoke about the history behind the making of the Alicorn I walked in the deck looking at the large built in submersible vessel on board the Carrier Takamura was standing beside his superior his Admiral Hiro looking at the captured submarine till I turn around facing Takamura-)

Hiro: Look at that submarine, Takamura... Is there something you admire for the American technology? Maybe in their superiority in super weapons. Or naval forces? Maybe their conventional weapons?

Takamura: No, not at all, sir.

(-I looked back at him and he shook his head with a no it surprised me because he was not one of those who admired one side of the country to be dependable than what most countries nowadays would depend on wondering what his disappointment was with the American technology Takamura told me his reason why he hated the US super weapons of today's timeline-)

Takamura: You see sir, when I was young, I had a Grandfather... Who once flew in the skies of the Pacific. He was part of the 5th Air Division, 114th Naval Air Group where he served on board the IJN Shoukaku. He fought against Americans overseas from his homeland and did one of the most daring things he's ever done.

Blue Butterflies: THE ROUNDEL WAR 🦋Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang