Am I your type?

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TW‼️: nsfw content

The train reached the border between China and Mongolia after 12 hours. The train had not yet completely stopped when the chaotic atmosphere filled the cabin, due to an immigration check.
Although the situation is relatively safer than the Russian border, the average inspection takes about three hours. In an emergency, the duration can be longer, meaning passengers are stuck inside the train longer.
When the train stopped completely, the waiting inspection officials stepped inside. Each team consists of an immigration officer, a customs officer and a few police officers, carefully inspecting their assigned area. Passengers' faces are closely compared with many declarations as well as passport photos. Baggage checks and body searches also take place. Most are simply passed through at the security gate, but sometimes there are strict officials. They unloaded their luggage and searched it one by one, checking everything including under beds, bookshelves and trash cans. During this time, no one is allowed in or out of the room. So before the test started, no one could rest comfortably
The situation of Kwon Taek Joo and Zhenya is not much different. The two people sat facing each other in a small room, no one said a word to the other. Kwon Taek Joo had just woken up so he didn't think about taking out a book to read. He was only half awake, half dreaming, waiting for his turn.
Strictly speaking, the two people are the ones to worry the most, because they carry a lot of things, including mini bombs, Colt guns, and many different high-tech devices. Even though it was hidden in advance to prepare for the test, the opponents were all experienced officials. If the Colt was discovered, he would be in an uncontrollable situation. Kwon Taek Joo couldn't put his mind at ease even for a moment.
Meanwhile, there was one thing that bothered him more than the interrogation. That's Zhenya's knee. It was lying between his legs. Sitting facing each other at each person's position makes the two people's long legs naturally intertwine. But while Kwon Taek Joo's knee was only stuck in Zhenya's thigh, Zhenya's leg, which was about an arm's length longer than him, was stuck in embarrassingly deep. So much so that if you're not careful, his knees and your genitals will touch each other.
Kwon Taek Joo looked down at the knee of the person threatening his crotch. The look was so clear that if he had any sense, he would automatically know to retreat. But Zhenya just stared at Kwon Taek Joo and didn't move.
"Take that somewhere else."
He spoke up his request after a long period of patience.
"Long legs are not my fault."
Zhenya shrugged slyly. He didn't even pretend to adjust his position. Actually, on the inconvenient side like Kwon Taek Joo, he just needed to move away a little bit, but he didn't do that. I don't want to participate in this stupid joke of his. For people who like to tease others, being ignored is the best punishment.
Kwon Taek Joo looked out the window and did not react further. He even yawned a few times because sleepiness came. Zhenya looked at his uninterested reaction and exclaimed, "Not cute at all." Kwon Taek Joo just pretended not to hear and scratched his ears.
At the same time, outside the room became increasingly noisy. There seemed to be a lot of people moving around and soon officers started entering the room.
Kwon Taek Joo presented his passport first. He was still disguised as a Japanese but with a different name than Hiro Sakamoto, who was confirmed missing after the hotel explosion. After examining the passport and confirming the information, the examiner returned the passport without any suspicion.
Luggage inspection was conducted seriously immediately afterward. Zhenya always took his time as if he had nothing to worry about. Kwon Taek Joo also tried to stay as calm as possible.
Kwon Taek Joo suddenly turned to the side because it seemed like there was a gaze focused on him. A police officer is looking intently at Kwon Taek Joo. Has he discovered something? Kwon Taek Joo smiled fakely and turned his back.
He looked away as naturally as possible. But even after that, those eyes remained fixed on him without moving away for even a moment. He suddenly felt uncomfortable.
The controller checks the bathroom. They took down the shower head hanging on the wall and inspected each part, then searched the floor. bed sheets and pillows. After doing everything, they left the room without saying a word. Kwon Taek Joo let out a long breath.
Just then, the door opened again and a policeman returned. It was he who was persistently staring at Kwon Taek Joo a moment ago. Zhenya and Kwon Taek Joo looked at each other with puzzled expressions.
The policeman ordered the two people to stand against the wall. The incident happened quite suddenly, but there was no need to make noise by protesting. Kwon Taek Joo obediently followed instructions. He examined Zhenya's body first, gently brushing over her shoulders, chest, waist, then ankles. Finally he carefully examined both of his hands.
Then it was Kwon Taek Joo's turn. He put both hands on the wall. Once again he felt the policeman watching behind him, but he pretended not to notice. The policeman sat down, raised one leg and began to touch his ankle first. He fiddled with the area around his ankle and then moved up to his calf and shin. Then he rubbed his knees, thighs and even his groin. The check was quite simple for Zhenya, but for Kwon Taek Joo, his hands were quite persistent.
The higher you go, the more obvious the contact becomes. The policeman squeezed Kwon Taek Joo's butt like kneading dough and then gently stuck his lower body in. Then he stretched his hand forward and touched his toned abs. Finally he hugged her firm, swollen chest in his hands.
Kwon Taek Joo took a deep breath and looked into the void. Perhaps because he thought he was excited, the policeman became even bolder. He seemed to hear Zhenya laughing from behind
Kwon Taek Joo lowered his head and muttered. He spoke softly in Korean so neither the policeman nor Zhenya could understand its meaning. Kwon Taek Joo's hand that was touching the wall clenched tightly.
"That's enough, you bastard!"
He was so angry that he grabbed the policeman's collar, raised his elbow as high as possible and was ready to punch him in the face at any moment. The policeman closed his eyes tightly and withdrew his shoulders, waiting for the pain, but after a while the terrifying violence did not happen.
He slowly opened his eyes and swallowed dry saliva. Kwon Taek Joo's white fist trembled before his nose. Being sexually harassed at the wrong time made his eyes become even sharper, to the point where he could tear that bastard apart with just those eyes. Kwon Taek Joo suppressed his anger and immediately pushed him away. The stupid police officer quickly ran away.
"It seems like he's very pleased with you?"
Zhenya continued to provoke. He angrily threw a book at him, but Zhenya easily caught it and put it down. When their eyes met, he did not forget to tease him again.
"That guy has a slim waist and pretty features. Why don't you pretend to lose and have a little fun? It's been a while."
"That's not something someone who has equally beautiful features should say."
"Ah? So I'm your type?"
"Don't say such scary things."
He gritted his teeth and replied, but Zhenya just grinned obnoxiously. He glared at the bastard and cleaned up the mess around him.
A moment later. The train returned to orbit. Kwon Taek Joo had just finished cleaning up and sat down to open any book within reach. How long has it been? A familiar vibrating sound rang out. It's a Zhenya phone. He checked the caller's name, took the phone and went out.
Actually this is not the first time. Whenever a call comes in, he always goes somewhere else. If it's not information related to this action then it's completely his private life, but isn't he being overly cautious? All Zhenya shared with Kwon Taek Joo was only the information necessary to carry out the mission. He never mentioned himself at all.
If this bastard was a decent person. he wouldn't care about him. But he couldn't do that.
Kwon Taek Joo put down the book he was reading and stood up. He opened the closed door slightly and looked out through the crack. Zhenya fell into view but the distance was so far that he couldn't even make out the content of the call. But his expression looking out the window looked unusual.
Zhenya freely expresses himself when alone. Kwon Taek Joo didn't know who was on the other end of the phone, but he no longer pretended to be a 'fun partner' like he did with Kwon Taek Joo. His voice was deep and his expression serious. Nor can the characteristic smile be seen anywhere.
I don't want to get closer to him. Zhenya is not the type of person who will bring good things if he gets deeply entangled with him. Right now, he just hopes the strategy will end quickly and Kwon Taek Joo's relationship with Zhenya will be completely resolved.
He was just about to slowly turn back inside when Zhenya, who accidentally looked towards the door, saw Kwon Taek Joo. He was so surprised that he missed the right moment to go back in. Zhenya stared at Kwon Taek Joo and then his lips suddenly drew a long curve. A fake smile. Kwon Taek Joo looked at him dissatisfied then quickly turned back.
Zegna quickly returned to the room. Kwon Taek Joo had been thinking about how to defend himself all this time, but he didn't ask why he was peeking at him. On the contrary, he just acted calmly as if nothing had happened.
Kwon Taek Joo feels uncomfortable. Why do you feel like you're playing a game where the other person already knows the outcome?
A day has passed since boarding the train. Meanwhile, Hong Yeo Wook barely moved. The maximum number of times he left his seat was three or four times, even for only about 5 to 10 minutes.
While Hong Yeo Wook went to the bathroom, Zhenya installed a camera and returned. Kwon Taek Joo didn't know where or how it was hidden, but Hong Yeo Wook was completely unaware of its existence. Thanks to that, wandering around there day and night was much less strenuous.
But avoid melon peel and find coconut shells.
Zhenya's sexual desire is transmitted regardless of time and place. Today's opponent is not yesterday's flight attendant. The woman's face, trembling after being stabbed by the bastard, looked quite familiar. This is the flight attendant that Kwon Taek Joo often meets when entering and exiting the second class room to monitor Hong Yeo Wook. Last night was the special car attendant, today there is the second class car attendant. Is he planning on having fun with all the flight attendants here before getting off the train?
At most it was just after 3pm. Kwon Taek Joo opened a book and focused all his attention on it. But it's useless. Because the surroundings are so bright, every movement is seen clearly. Zhenya didn't normally pay attention to other people's eyes, but the other person seemed to have forgotten his shame.
The more he did that, the more he gritted his teeth and endured. Such an action in this cramped room is tantamount to provoking Kwon Taek Joo. The hesitation and confusion of others only made Zhenya more interested and excited. Whatever his purpose is, Kwon Taek Joo has no intention of being swept away.
He quickly regained his composure in the chaos. Luckily, the book's content is so interesting that it's not difficult to ignore it.
"Haaaa... hmmmm.."
But the two animals enjoying themselves did not leave the witnesses indifferent. The woman was scratching the pillow and suddenly reached out to touch the table. The wine bottle fell with the wind and broke into pieces. The vodka in the bottle spilled out, drenching the floor and splashing on Kwon Taek Joo. He looked down at his wet pants and then raised his head. Immediately he made eye contact with Zhenya.
Kwon Taek Joo did not expect to receive an apology, but the bastard only slightly raised the corner of his mouth. When Kwon Taek Joo frowned, he took out his red tongue and leisurely licked his upper lip. His eyes moved voluntarily to chase every movement of his tongue. As if realizing that, a satisfied smile appeared on Zhenya's face.
Immediately afterwards, the woman's body collapsed onto the table. As she struggled and tried to lift her upper body, Zhenya pressed the back of her neck and lifted her stomach to the same level as his body. The flight attendant's lower body, which was barely supported by her toes, was completely lifted up. The blonde hair hanging loose on the table looked as if it could reach Kwon Taek Joo at any moment. In a situation where the girl had nowhere to escape, Zhenya continued to push the belt fiercely.
He thrust so hard that a fierce friction sound rang out. It's hard to imagine that it was the sound of human collision. The table where the other girl was leaning her upper body shook as if it was about to collapse. Zhenya kept pounding inside, occasionally pausing for a moment, and when the woman began to regain her balance, he continued with deep thrusts that caused her to fall down into a mess.
Kwon Taek Joo was fed up with his tricks so he decided to speak up
The lovemaking is not over yet. Kwon Taek Joo spat out everything he wanted to say but it was completely buried by the other woman's moans. Zhenya pushed relentlessly into her soggy butt, making her tremble with extreme pleasure. The flight attendant could barely breathe and was crushed helplessly between the table and that bastard. Kwon Taek Joo didn't want to endure it anymore so he decided to get up and leave.
At that moment, Zhenya lifted the woman's upper body. As a result, the front of her loose shirt fell open. Her white breasts fell in front of Kwon Taek Joo. He belatedly turned his head away, but the afterimage still clearly lingered. Kwon Taek Joo closed his eyes tightly and quelled his rising instincts.
"Aaaaaa, aaa, ummm... haaaaaa."
Before long, her body stiffened and she moaned like she was screaming. Perhaps Zhenya had ejaculated, a characteristic strong fishy smell spread in the air. Kwon Taek Joo turned away the whole time and then immediately turned back. He glared at Zhenya's more relaxed face after climaxing.
At that moment, Zhenya suddenly pulled the limp woman and stabbed her in the lower body. The thrust made her swollen breasts continuously elastic.
"Aaaaaaa God."
Kwon Taek Joo leaned against the bathroom and panted. The heat concentrated in one place made it seem like it was about to explode. Even if he tries to ignore it, Kwon Taek Joo is still a man in his prime. He couldn't help but feel something when he saw a woman's bare breasts right in front of him.
His head was spinning. His hand grabbed the center area and his jaw naturally clenched. The sound of grinding teeth rang out when the two teeth matched perfectly. The meat inside was dripping wet. Kwon Taek Joo gently rubbed the head of the penis where the liquid was condensing and wetting the entire glans. His hard penis, glistening with water, slid across his knuckles, making his whole body tingle and itch. His mind was confused and he couldn't think anymore. All that remained was a heat that couldn't be easily shaken off and a heightened desire for the flesh.
Kwon Taek Joo angrily turned on the shower. Cold water flows down from above. Even though my body has cooled down for a while, the feeling of discomfort still does not disappear. Her damp black hair looked thicker and the shirt stuck to her body, revealing her curves. The smooth, taut muscles kept wiggling because of the long-awaited stimulation. The strange air flow spread throughout the body, causing the nipples under the shirt to stand up sharp.
"Ummm... Umm..."
Kwon Taek Joo clenched his molars again. Moans that couldn't be swallowed fell from between his teeth. The cold water mercilessly hit his body, giving him goosebumps. His bloodless lips trembled as he gasped for breath.
But the burning feeling in the groin remains the same. Just holding it in his hand and stroking it made his entire body burn as if he were scratching himself with his fingernails. His knees were shaking. My jaws, which were always clenched tightly, began to ache. The sharp eyes have long since faded.
Kwon Taek Joo shook his head in irritation. He tried to shake off the stubborn desire that clung to him. The hand pressed against the wall clenched into a fist. He silently groaned and felt angry. Kwon Taek Joo is past the time of his youth when the slightest stimulation made his front tense. Although his sexual desire skyrocketed from time to time, it was not as helpless as it is now.
His spine felt hot. His knees kept shaking because of the tingling feeling spreading from between his legs. Kwon Taek Joo can hardly even stand without leaning against the wall.
Blood flowed throughout his body. The heat spread to every corner of my veins, rising violently to my head. Perhaps due to increased brain pressure, a light flashed before his eves. A feeling of both hot and cold quickly ran down his spine.
"Haaaaa, ughhhhh...!"
Immediately, his stomach muscles tightened. The penis was swollen to the limit, spurting out thick semen. His broad shoulders and waist trembled. Kwon Taek Joo gritted his teeth even tighter to prevent any sound from leaking out, but to no avail. The man's roar as he reached his climax betrayed his will and echoed in the bathroom. His vision flashed bright yellow. His entire body's muscles contracted and even his breathing stopped for a moment.
"ha, ha...."
The breath he was holding suddenly came out strongly. He shuddered and took a deep breath into his chest. A cool feeling just passed by, blowing away the heat from inside the body. His mind, which was hot like fire, suddenly cooled, making him dizzy and dizzy.
After ejaculation, the cold and uncomfortable feeling of wet clothes sticking to the body becomes even more obvious. Kwon Taek Joo forcefully stripped off the clothes that were difficult to take off and started to take a shower. He wanted to wash away all traces of desire left on his body. His eyes gradually regained their original clarity. The painful heat had completely disappeared. After taking a shower, Kwon Taek Joo returned to himself.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن