Let me take my shirt for you

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TW‼️: violence, slightly nsfw content

When the two arrived, there were already several black sedans parked there. The only person sitting inside was a man who appeared to be a low-level mafia. The accompanying characters probably went inside. The old warehouse behind the car is today's meeting place.
Kwon Taek Joo and Zhenya were waiting nearby very early. He observed the surrounding movements while looking for the right time to enter. The two waited a little longer just in case, but there were no forces that joined late or made any notable surprise attacks.
Kwon Taek Joo checked the Colt's magazine. At that moment, Zhenya also threw away the cigar he was holding in his hand. The moment the cigar rolling on the floor stopped moving, without anyone telling anyone, the two people moved forward.
Kwon Taek Joo took long strides forward and pulled the trigger. Two bullets were fired from a Colt with a silencer attached. But the sedan was equipped with bulletproof glass, so the car window could not be broken immediately, but there was only a large radial crack on the windshield. The low-level mafia man who was leisurely smoking quickly pulled out his rifle.
Right at the moment the gun was aimed at Kwon Taek Joo, the sedan's body shook. It appeared that something like a rock had fallen onto the bonnet. The object crashed through the cracked windshield before Kwon Taek Joo could judge what was happening. The low-level mafia guy was pulled out by his collar. Kwon Taek Joo only confirmed that he was grabbed by Zhenya and looked away. If you watch to the end your dreams will be chaotic.
Zhenya returned not long after. He took out a handkerchief and threw it at him. The bastard just freely wiped his hands on it. The white handkerchief quickly turned a bright red.
Kwon Taek Joo took that moment to look through the old warehouse. There's a 'Sonchey' there. He didn't know if the weapon that was interfering there was really Anastasia, but if he caught him, maybe he could find some clues.
He suddenly turned around and looked straight at Zhenya. The two people's eyes met immediately. Kwon Taek Joo nodded as if signaling to enter. Zhenya just smiled without responding.
He opened the door and went inside. Dust flew up, blurring his vision. Kwon Taek Joo waved the cloud of dust in front of his face and looked around. Office furniture and construction materials were thrown haphazardly everywhere. The brick wall on all four sides had partially collapsed, and there was also a large hole in the ceiling.
A middle-aged Russian man was sitting in the middle of that messy space. Kwon Taek Joo just looked and recognized him as Boris, the big name of 'Sonchev'. Five or six large figures stood behind him like a screen. Even though it was only a short meeting, a scary atmosphere still prevailed.
What was unexpected was Boris's reaction. He did not appear confused even though the person who summoned him was not Psych Bogdanov. He seemed a bit surprised but then quickly smiled in amusement.
"You're a bit late, aren't you?"
Boris opened the conversation.
"I heard there was a big commotion at the Bogdanov mansion last night? I heard you were the one causing the trouble? Now it seems like it's not a joke anymore, is it?"
Boris's gaze was directed at Zhenya . It seems he heard about what happened at the Bogdanov mansion. Zhenya neither denied nor specifically confirmed. Hejust raised one side of his mouth and shrugged. Both of them look like real players of the underworld, so such special events are no longer surprising.
Boris scanned Kwon Taek Joo from head to toe and then looked at Zhenya with a questioning face, as if looking for an explanation.
"Why did you start this?"
"It'll probably be interesting."
Zhenya grinned. A tone that was too gentle to turn the Bogdanov family, or more broadly, Russia, into an enemy. Of course, if this strategy succeeds, he will gain huge profits that are hard to measure. But until then, countless difficulties must be overcome. Boris immediately dismissed that slim possibility.
"You're so reckless."
"Isn't that bold? It's normal."
Zhenya remained cold, not paying attention to Boris's words. He shook his head then looked at Kwon Taek Joo with curious eyes and asked 'Why do you have to do that?'. He felt uncomfortable, not because he was being looked at from head to toe, but being treated as an equal to Zhenya made him uncomfortable
Kwon Taek Joo didn't hesitate any longer and immediately joined the conversation.
"That's all for small talk, let's get to the point. Where is Anastasia?"
Is there any surprise? Or was he told that he had a weak point? Boris raised his eyebrows and expressed doubts.
"Anastasia? I don't know why you're looking for it from me."
So he still won't say anything, right? Actually, there is still no evidence that 'SS-29' is 'Anastasia'. Furthermore, from the beginning Kwon Taek Joo did not expect this to be easy.
"So 'SS-29' you probably know? I have a few things to confirm about that weapon."
"I seem to be a mouse falling into a trap, is that your original intention? I don't know if you are brave or naive. Surely you don't think I will answer everything easily?"
"Then there's no other way. If you can't talk, you can only use your body."
Before Kwon Taek Joo could finish his sentence, bullets started flying. He rolled quickly towards the pile of construction materials. The rain of bullets caused a thick cloud of dust to rise, causing Kwon Taek Joo's vision to become blurred. His ears were ringing. Even so, the gunfire continued without stopping.
Kwon Taek Joo precisely timed his counterattack and threw a smoke bomb into the building. Black smoke quickly enveloped the surroundings. He took that opportunity to destroy the fluorescent light bulbs inside the warehouse one by one. The pieces of the lamp fell to the floor, creating the characteristic sound of glass breaking. Inside immediately became chaos. There were continuous gunshots somewhere, and there were people screaming and the vivid sounds of body parts being broken.
Zhenya wasn't around, but Kwon Taek Joo wasn't worried. No matter the circumstances, he will survive. What you need to worry about now is your own safety.
Kwon Taek Joo took out special goggles and put them on. As soon as the sensor reacts based on body activity, the mafia's movements are also recorded. Unable to distinguish between friend and enemy, Kwon Taek Joo just pulled the trigger while continuously moving among the people around him.
Along with the screams, the figures of people moving before his eyes fell one after another. Kwon Taek Joo continued walking towards the chair where Boris was sitting.
But Boris wasn't there. He looked everywhere but couldn't see him anywhere. And so is Zhenya.
Kwon Taek Joo slowly looked around. How far have you gone? Suddenly he felt the back of his head tense. When Kwon Taek Joo turned around curiously, a figure suddenly rushed towards him. He dodged reflexively, but then a sharp pain ran down his arm. His sleeve was soaked, as if a weapon had slashed it. He quickly took a step back and aimed at his opponent's head but was in no hurry to pull the trigger, because if he were Boris, coming here would no longer make any sense.
While Kwon Taek Joo was still hesitating, his opponent used his weapon to slash the air. The attack was aimed straight at the neck. He tilted his upper body to avoid the incoming blade, when suddenly a shadow near the door caught his eye.
He was about 2 meters tall, standing sideways with his arms crossed arrogantly. The indifferent attitude watched as a sharp blade almost touched his partner's neck. No matter how you look at it, it's Zhenya. At his feet was a pile of silhouettes that appeared to be members of the mafia. It seemed he had enjoyed all the fun and had no intention of quickly helping.
The blade in the blink of an eye was pointed at Kwon Taek Joo's stomach. He used the barrel of the Colt to hit that blade and aimed at his opponent's knee and pulled the trigger.
The opponent fell to the ground after a shot rang out. Moaning voices like Boris. Kwon Taek Joo sighed and took off his goggles. Meanwhile, blood flowed from his arm onto his fingertips and onto the floor. More and more blood flows Looks like you need to stop the bleeding immediately.
Kwon Taek Joo rummaged in his bag for a while then stopped. He suddenly remembered to throw the handkerchief he brought to Zhenya. Kwon Taek Joo had no choice but to take off his dusty jacket and unbutton his shirt. Only then did Zhenya leisurely approach.
"It's too dangerous. If you get a hole in your stomach, you won't be able to have sex for a whole month."
Thank you for your concern.
Kwon Taek Joo shook his head and focused on unbuttoning his shirt, but doing it with one hand was awkward. Zhenya stood with his arms crossed, watching in satisfaction, then said, "Let me help" and pushed Kwon Taek Joo's hand away. Then he started unbuttoning his shirt to help Kwon Taek Joo. When you really need help, you pretend you don't know and then show goodwill at unnecessary times like this.
Zhenya raised his left arm where blood was dripping drop by drop as if mocking him.
"I'm so proud I could die, right?"
"Of course."
Even though he was frankly sarcastic, he still smiled naturally. Now that is no longer surprising.
Kwon Taek Joo talked in a low voice. "There's still a lot of work to do," but Zhenya didn't respond. He was surprisingly silent. He only unbuttoned a few buttons and bet he put all his heart and soul into them like that? Zhenya was so focused that he didn't know that Kwon Taek Joo's eyes were staring at his fingertips gently unscrewing each button
"Okay. It's done."
Kwon Taek Joo angrily shook off that annoying hand and took off his shirt himself. Because it was thrown so hard, the last button had already popped out before it could be opened. He did not hesitate to wrap the shirt a few times around his bleeding left arm, then used his teeth to grab the end of the sleeve and tie it into a tight knot. Things like this were not uncommon when he went on a mission alone.
He stopped the bleeding for a while then approached Boris. He dragged his injured leg and attempted to pick up a gun. Kwon Taek Joo grabbed the back of his head and forced him to sit in the chair from before. He pulled both of Boris's arms behind his back and handcuffed them tightly. Then Kwon Taek Joo put one foot on the chair and pushed it back
The chair collapsed with a bang, Boris fell down with a heavy groan. Kwon Taek Joo picked up the chair again and then he repeated the same action three or four times.
Boris did not flinch even though he was thrown to the floor many times. On the contrary, he seemed to be mocking Kwon Taek Joo. He suddenly pulled his hair. Even with his head tilted back, Boris let out an unpleasant laugh.
"You think I would reveal that?"
"Just wait and see and you'll find out."
Kwon Taek Joo also smiled fakely. He quickly walked to the computer placed close to the wall. He took out an old keyboard after throwing away all the junk around it and smashed it against the wall to separate each key. He grabbed the fallen keys and returned to Boris. Then he opened his mouth and stuffed the keys he was holding into it.
Boris's cheeks immediately puffed up. Kwon Taek Joo tightly tapes his lips in case the contents spill out. Zhenya took a step forward and watched the scene with interest.
After finishing preparing, Kwon Taek Joo slowly walked around Boris.
"A North Korean engineer is coming to solve the SS-29 problem, right? I heard he will arrive tomorrow. Where should I go to meet him?"
Boris was motionless. Kwon Taek Joo bent down to be eye level with him. There was no emotion in his jet black eyes. Boris also glared at Kwon Taek Joo with bloodshot eyes. He suddenly punched his bulging cheek. The face, which was originally relaxed, became distorted in pain, as the keys in the mouth mixed together causing intense pain. Just imagining the feeling of being hit with a fist is incredibly painful.
But Boris stubbornly kept silent. It's not without reason that 'Sonchev' became famous. Kwon Taek Joo straightened his bent body. Boris quietly took a breath. Then he suddenly used his fist to hit him in the face. Boris's whole body trembled from the pain, causing his eyes to turn yellow, and scream-like moans emitted even though his mouth was full.
Kwon Taek Joo tightly grasped Boris's cheeks, which were wincing in pain. His face turned even paler. "Are you in the mood to talk now?" Kwon Taek Joo asked. He stubbornly shook his head, his eyes looking at him indignantly. Kwon Taek Joo's face then also became cold. Zhenya stood watching and then laughed.
Kwon Taek Joo clenched his fists and mercilessly punched Boris like a punching bag. He had been patient all along and suddenly collapsed. Saliva and blood oozed from the tightly closed mouth. When Kwon Taek Joo removed the tape, his lips parted helplessly. Computer keys and teeth were covered in spilled blood.
"I'll ask again. Who is the technician who came to repair the SS-29 and what is his destination?"
Boris grinned at the persistent question. Then suddenly he spat. Saliva mixed with blood clumped around Kwon Taek Joo's eyes. He didn't bother to wipe it away and just silently picked up Boris's knife that had fallen on the floor.
"Why don't you go out?"
He coldly suggested to Zhenya , which could be considered concern or advice.
"Just pretend I don't exist."
He was a little concerned about him but it seemed unnecessary. The anticipation of watching an interesting scene filled his curled eyes.
Alright, Kwon Taek Joo said and walked towards Boris. He took a deep breath and glared at Kwon Taek Joo who approached as if he could tear him apart more than 10 times with just that look. He was still very energetic even though he had lost all his strength. Looks like Kwon Taek Joo will have to use the last resort.
"Indian warriors hunted as many enemies as possible to prove their bravery. They were famous for their brutality and caused terrible pain to their opponents until the last moment. Compared to them, the method of killing people by beheading and separating the flesh from the body can be considered more humane, because it is only painful at that moment. I heard that they often scalp their enemies alive."
Kwon Taek Joo muttered while strokine Boris's forehead. His hair fell down revealing his broad forehead. He used the knife he was holding to draw a line on it.
Boris twisted his bound body in pain as the raw flesh was cut. It's not an unbearable pain. A little blood oozed from the wound cut by the blade.
"They make a small crack on the forehead with two fingers and then slowly tear it off. Most people die of shock before they can remove all the skin on their head. It is said that the pain is incomparable to being stabbed. Gun shots, knife cuts or broken bones."
A strange smile appeared on Kwon Taek Joo's lips. Zhenya's excitement peaked. Boris for the first time in his life felt afraid of the difficulties that had been predicted.
A scream that seemed to rip through the entire building rang out immediately afterward.
The closed warehouse door opened. Unlike Kwon Taek Joo who was clearly very dissatisfied, Zhenya looked extremely happy. He kept following behind him to the point of being uncomfortable as they both walked to the car.
"Are you really going to skin it?"
"...I feel uncomfortable. Let's go."
Kwon Taek Joo ignored Zhenya's question. He rubbed his right hand on his pants. The blood on his hands was wiped away quickly. Zhenya was still making noise without knowing what was going on.
"Didn't you look a little too sexy just now? It's really dangerous for me. My dick is all hard."
"Next time, if that's the case, then say it too, okay? If it was your scalp, I'd always be willing to peel it off."
Kwon Taek Joo angrily gritted his teeth and growled, then pulled Zhenya's collar. The beautiful face was pulled right in front of his nose. Blue eyes slowly rotated and moved from Kwon Taek Joo's eyes to his arm. That movement was filled with discomfort, like the eves of a reptile.
He frowned and glared at him, but Zhenya removed the hand holding his collar. It was only for a moment, but the skin where the two people touched was as cold as ice. Kwon Taek Joo was suddenly startled and shook his hand away. It would probably be embarrassing to be so blatantly avoided, but Zhenya just smirked as if nothing happened.
"So that's the next thing to do?"
Kwon Taek Joo nodded in response. Zhenya said "Okay" and ran forward. The back sways gently as if humming. Kwon Taek Joo just stood there and stared at him.
Sometimes Zhenya still puts on a serious face and if his partner is aware of it, he pretends not to notice and smiles away. Even though he pretends to be a laid-back person, he often suddenly reveals his true self without hiding it. He himself is a destroyer. He is a dangerous monster indulging in unusual excitements.
Just one step. For Zhenya, the line between normal and abnormal is just a step apart. It's entirely up to him to unconsciously destroy that fragile boundary and then quickly rebuild it.
Kwon Taek Joo's instincts, which are quicker than his mind, constantly spoke up.

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