35. The End... or Something

Start from the beginning

Beth stood up. "I think I have a granola bar in my bag. I'll get it for you." Beth smiled at Lillian before she turned and began opening her bag that was in the trunk. Lillian looked at the ground as she pulled at the bottom of her shirt.

"Everything okay?" Glenn asked again, walking up beside Daryl.

"Everything's fine. Thanks." Beth was quick to answer as she turned around and handed Lillian the granola bar. Lillian heard as Daryl scoffed and walked away. Lillian only held the granola bar in her hands. She wanted to eat, she really did but she felt her stomach turn as she held the granola bar. She couldn't.

"Lillian. You need to eat. You will—" Carol began talking to her in a stern voice but was quickly interrupted.

"We are about to leave. Rain check this conversation, 'kay?" Glenn told them.

They had all loaded up in the car, not much more was said between Carol and Lillian. Not really Beth and Lillian either. When they got out to their hidden spot, Lillian stayed in the car that was covered in leaves and grass to blend in. Judith was laid next to her in her basket. the sounds of gun shots were muffled. Good thing, cause Judith would've probably started crying. After a while, the gunshots quieted down and a chain-sounding ring sounded from outside the car which made Lillian look out the window best to her abilities to see Carl standing and holding up a gun. She couldn't see much more though. It confused her.

The others soon got back into the car and they made their way back to the prison. They all filed out of the car and grabbed their stuff. Lillian was handed her backpack and followed slowly behind Colton. She didn't want to trip again. She didn't end up eating the granola bar either.

"Glenn said you weren't feeling too good." Colton spoke up as he looked back at her. They were making their way into the cell block to put their stuff back in their cells.

"I'm okay." Lillian told him. "You doing okay? With y'know all of this happening?" Lillian asked him as she followed him into his shared cell. Colton put his stuff down on the bed as Lillian sat down in the desk chair.

"Yeah." Colton shrugged before he turned around and sat on the bed. Colton glanced around quickly before he began speaking again, this time in a hushed tone. "Did you see what Carl did?"

Lillian furrowed her eyebrows. "Back when we were hiding? No."

"He shot a guy. The guy was handing over his weapon and everything, Carl just shot him." Colton explained. Lillian sighed and shook her head. Carl really was loosing it. He had so little power over everything that he resorted to killing someone to get that feeling of helpfulness. Lillian understood how he felt. She would never kill someone though.

"Lilli." Daryl's voice sounded from the doorway. Lillian looked over at him as he held a bowl in his hands. His face didn't look too happy. "C'mere." Lillian glanced back over to Colton before she got up and followed behind Daryl as he walked towards the staircase.

"Sit." He more demanded of her then requested. Lillian did as she was told, taking a couple steps up before sitting on the second step. She was nervous. She really didn't want to get a lecture about not eating. That's when he held the bowl out to her. "Eat." Lillian contemplated for a long few seconds before she felt her throat burn. She shook her head no.

"I'm not hungry." She mumbled to him, looking down at the ground.

"Don't care. Eat it." He told her. His tone was impatient as he held the bowl up to her face. Lillian only looked down at her feet. Daryl sighed. "Lilli, ya know y'er not gonna be feelin' any good with nothin' to eat."

"I already don't feel good." Lillian mumbled back as she fidgeted with the legs of her pants.

"That's cause ya need to eat. Y'er only gonna feel worse." Daryl tried. His tone had gotten softer but Lillian could still tell that he was frustrated with her. "Lilli, please." He sighed.

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